Right . Time for tough love.
White people (especially afrikaaners), wake up and stop sulking in your rooms , or you going to miss the party. Stop using the color of your skin as an excuse to underachieve , get out there and make something of yourselves. Stop whinging like hapless , powerless victims.
After all , you seem so convinced of your superiority , why then do you cry like babies for handouts from a black government ? Since when did the “mighty” white “race” need a nanny to hold their hand so they can go “pee pee” ? If you're so damn wonderful then get out their and do something for yourself. Here are some suggestions.
Start a business and tap into the emerging black middle class. It's huge people , a whole new market of consumers who are rapidly enriching themselves and acquiring a taste of the good life. English whites and Asian South Africans have thrived in the new South Africa by doing just this and the effect snowballs.
Stop being so negative. I guarantee you that any human being on this planet could find more reasons to give up , than to soldier on if they looked hard enough. And there's no doubt that no one on this planet looks for problems quite as hard as white south Africans do. They're addicted to it , they thrive on it. Nothing lights up the faces of White South Africans more than some national tragedy. They rush out to tell their friends , thrilled that they carry on the illusion that they are victims. One more day they don't have to take responsibility of their own lives and can blame their failures on others. One more day of negative , self defeatist bullshit.
Understand that your environment is not some random chaotic mess , rather it's the direct result of the sum of input by each and every individual ...and here' the kicker....INCLUDING YOU. Given this fact you can either do one of two things. Add to the problems by spreading passive or active hate and negativity , in which case you make the country and your life that much worse , or , add to the environment in a positive and active way and help be a part of a healthier future. Don't put your fate in the hands of governments and the silly hateful self defeating discourse and agenda's of others....own it !
Spread the good word. The next time your mate in the pub , or some blogger on some Internet forum wants to spit the dummy and throw his toys , spank them. There's another word for someone who always sees problems rather than solutions : A loser. And a country full of losers is destined to do one thing and it doesn't rhyme with “fin”.
Peace and love.
This is very well said, the boers are so used to working for the old gov where they were paid to do nothing(railways, post office, tax office, defence..... Now they have to work to get paid and they dont like it. The blacks who have and education are now getting all the jobs and the boers dont like it.
In your disclaimer you state that this blog does not propose the killing , hurting or maiming of anyone of any race, creed or ethnicity and that the blog is about about moving foward in a positive light in South Africa.
All good and well. Great. I can buy into that, - no problem.
You go on to say that the title is not meant to be taken literally in any way, shape or means.
My question is: -
How is the title meant to be taken?
You are not clear on this point.
Lovely site - really promotes peace and harmony. Well done guys!
Make SA a better place?
Peace and love, you sign off on your post?
Peace and love to you too, brother. Peace and love.
Maybe slightly off topic here but you know - I was just watching the trial of Radovan Karadzic yesterday and could not help but think that some of Africa's biggest depots should also have been tried there.
I am thinking specifically about PW Botha, J Vorster, Hendrik Verwoerd and others.
Very few people in recent history have inflicted such barbarism on 30 million people.
Maybe a trial and life sentence was what the country really needed to heal.
It would not have been so bad for them either they could have gone back to their brothers and sisters in Holland.
I say again : People , the title is to mirror the racism I'm against. Please assimulate and accomodate this fact. No , I don't want any white people killed....not even kirt Darren. Grow up.
Maybe slightly off topic here but you know - I was just watching the trial of Radovan Karadzic yesterday and could not help but think that some of Africa's biggest depots should also have been tried there.
Don't forget Mugabe as well as a score of other black leaders.
Regarding the picture of this blog. The reason that he is not wearing any clothes is because he was robbed of them by blackie.
@ Rooster
You say the title is to mirror the racism you are against. I have assimilated and accommodated this.
I hope I am correct in understanding that you also do not condone violence by any race on any race.
I do however feel that the name of your blog is in bad taste and should your entire blog be mirrored and called "Kill Bantu's" or some such name it would evoke an extremely strong reaction from the left and summarily be labelled as racist propaganda designed to provoke violence against black folk.
In conclusion, I have no idea who Kirt Darren is and I would ask you to restrain yourself and not respond so churlishly to a perfectly legitimate question.
jassiester: First of all Hendrik Verwoerd was ASSASSINATED in Parliament on September 6 1966. Long before the dismantling of the attempted Apartheid system. Vorster died in 1983 when some of the "petty" features were being dismantled. P W Botha who died in 2006 & F W De Klerk are about the ONLY ONES who could have been brought to trial. Though the National Party regimes paled in comparison to the actions of other African regimes.
Brothers in Holland?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You prove that you just do not know your history! The Afrikaners & particularly Boers are not from the Dutch of Holland. The Boers are the descendents of the Germans / Frisians & French Huguenots that the Dutch TOOK OUT of Europe & dumped at the Cape.
There was only ever ONE White South African Prime Minister who was from Holland & that was Hendrik Verwoerd who interestingly got most of his political ideas from there & other parts of Europe.
Well Koos: you must definitely be one of those Cape Dutch descended Afrikaners who have always looked down at the humble Boers. I can not get over how your constant ant-Boer rhetoric rivals that of the British of the past.
@ 01 August 2008 10:41 (and other small white willie rockspider wankers posting in a similar vein)
It is interesting that you include Mugabe on the list of African despots along with PW Botha, Vorster Verwoed.
OK - I concede this.
I agree - we should tar them all with the same brush - so to say. All African despots.
There is no question that Afrikaans is a completely boer bastardized version of Dutch.
Don't believe everything you read in your history books.
The books were written as part of the biggest misinformation program in the world by nazi styled apartheid "educators".
Those history books should have been used at a Hague type crimes against humanity trial for the boer apartheid government and generals.
Maybe not the generals because anyway they and all the little white boys had their asses kicked and lost the bush war which is the only reason Deklerk raised the white flag.
Good to see some sensible people visiting my site to silence to nazi's.
Doodler , in it's own way I think my site does promote peace and harmony. It gives a voice to the extremists so that regular people like us can see their true agenda and be more sceptical when we read their crap. It also provides a good exampe of how NOT to be.
My favourite "spread the good word" line is this:
(To be used when people are sitting around worrying about the future of South Africa, particularly in terms of the ANC and Zuma)
"Did you know that South Africa is the first African country EVER to have democratically elected out the head of the liberation movement?"
- I think I read this in a Steven Friedman blog. In other countries (Zim, for example) the head of the liberation movement stays in power forever and often ends up despotic.
Its a great line becuase it catches people completely off guard. And it means that in this respect the December Polokwane vote was a HUGE sucess for SA. Very positive in terms of our democracy. Which really turns things on their heads for people.
I need to gather some other fast positive facts to throw into the mix when people are sitting around getting negative... :)
Jassiester. I certainly do not believe what I read in the history books as they were often written from a Cape based Afrikaner bias [1] & often stated that the White Afrikaans speakers were "of Dutch descent" which has been exposed as absolute nonsense. The Dutch were the initial overlords of the White population taken to the Cape. The Apartheid regime totally rewrote the Boers out of the history often claiming that it was the Afrikaners (who oppressed the Boers) who went on the Great Trek.
Afrikaans has absolutely nothing to do with Dutch. I find it most incredible how in one sentence you talk about " Apartheid educators" while totally parroting the Apartheid educator's nonsense that Afrikaans had anything to do with the Dutch language. The White people whom the Dutch elites dumped at the Cape did not speak Dutch as they were mainly speakers of Frankonish [2] & other Germanic dialects. A significant portion of them spoke French [3] & Provencal. Do not forget the incredible influence that Malay & Portuguese had on the emergence of the Afrikaans language. Afrikaans got developed as a distinct language when the various arrivals amalgamated with each other blending the various languages they spoke to the point of creating a number of new dialects.
The Boers did not govern South Africa! Anyone who has done even the slightest bit of research would know this. The Boers were marginalized & displaced by the Apartheid regime of the Cape based Afrikaners who LOOKED DOWN at the "lowly" [4] Boers. The Afrikaner Broederbond always made sure that the Boers would never rise too high in the political order save for those few whom they vetted & made sure would follow the Afrikaner Nationalist party line. Robert van Tonder was sick & tired of this & left the National Party in 1961 (the same year South Africa became a republic) in order to pursue the restoration of the Boers Republics as the solution to the constant repression of the Boer nation.
The bush war was a war fought against Cubans in Angola. It had nothing to do with a war related to South Africa's population. De Klerk was specifically promoted by British intelligence [5] to the role of President for the express purpose of handing the entire macro State over to the British proxies in the form of the ANC who had promised their British masters not to interfere in their economic interests in the region.
1. The notorious publishing company Human & Rouseau based in Cape Town wrote "history" books removing the Boers from the scene & claiming retroactively that the Afrikaners were fighting the Anglo-Boer War when in fact the Cape based Afrikaners were fighting on the side of the British. This bias & erroneous assertion as promoted by Cape Town publishers was picked up & re-enforced by the later ascending Afrikaner Nationalists who indoctrinated a generation of children. The Boers' dialect of Afrikaans was also removed from the public sphere in order to further subjugate the Boer nation.
2. A M De Lange. Learning-Org.
3. The Contribution of the French Huguenots.
4. The Broederbonder Afrikaner historian Hermann Giliomée referred openly to the Boers in denigrating terms within documents & was part of the Afrikaner attempt at co-opting the Boers.
5. The Sellout of a Nation.
Quote: [ The isolation of South Africa's euro-ethnics ... was a more direct result of U.S. foreign policy, i.e., the State Department. Carter played a bigger role. The CIA at that stage tried to infiltrate the so-called right wing militants to set up a base for reaction against the new government but failed because of MI6 (British) counter-actions. The U.S. wanted Dr. Gerrit Viljoen as president, but the UK succeeded to establish F.W. de Klerk. ]
Post Script. I would urge you to learn about the history of the region instead of parroting the biased & inaccurate nonsense as peddled by all sides. Furthermore: Apartheid itself was started by the British yet you have not as of yet called for Rhodes or any other British Imperialist to be brought before the war crimes tribunal.
Ron , you put so much effort into spreading hate. Imagine what you could do if you decided to do something positive. The day we all thought like that is the day we thrive.
I certainly appreciate the time you took to present your discourse. While there may be some intellectually stimulating material there I am afraid that your premise, although not apparently based on the Apartheid regime school text books - is based on references from various colonial apartheid apologist discourses as well as siting Afrikaner / boer generals as references in the right wing Worldnet Daily.
Let's take a look at the state of play on the ground:
Boer vs Afrikaner:
There is no difference and the term can be used interchangeably.I know boer means farmer in Afrikaans. Fact remains they are closley associated, largely white colonizing people that arrived in South Africa and are now either colonizers or full South African enablers - whichever way you choose to look at it. I would suggest that the people this site addresses are of the former type because South Africa certainly welcomes the enabler South African patriot type - white or black.
Afrikaans has nothing to do with Dutch
WOW - thats unadulterated crap. There may well have been influences from the other languages and cultures as you describe but they are more than completely minimal.
Get on a plane (or drive through Africa) and come visit Germany, France or Holland and see where your Afrikaans gets you.
Use Afrikaans to get a Koffie and the only place where you will get one is Holland (you may also get some weed with the Koffie).
In Germany you will get a "snaaks" look.
Woops I just thought of the one word I know in French and Afrikaans - "meuble" but then they go an add an immeuble and then it becomes a building - WTF.
There are more similarities in German BUT then thats because the similarities and derivation of the languages of Dutch and German have always existed.
Interestingly go to a Dutch (not French) pub and they will even be able to sing Sarie Marie for you (why anybody would want to leaves me floored by the way).
Your reference to the influence of Portugese and Malay languages in Afrikaans is more than completely tenuous.
Now back to the bush war and the conspiracy theories you advance.
You did not address my point - but more on that later.
To say that the bush war was a war against Cubans in Angola is a gross oversimplification. Ask the mothers of all the white and black boys shot in Namibia, not to mention all the innocent people your boere (and / or Afrikaner) brothers shot in Ovamboland.
Back to the argument you did not address:
The Afrikaner / Boere white colonizer (or what ever the fuck you want to call them, who claimed to be the best fighting force in the world with their racist Recce, and brainwashed Nazi/ Gestapo force 32 battalion) LOST the war and that is the ONLY reason that DeKlerk was FORCED to capitulate. No he was not a traitor, he was a pragmatist - and in so doing either avoided a war crimes tribunal in his brother and sisters home country of Holland or Pretoria.
Having said all this - I have to admit it all pales or is it pails in the light of the deliberate campaing of the dominant white Afrikaner populations brutal and cruel Apartheid strategy which deliberately set out to create an inferiorly educated people, denied the resources or the land - to be born into a life of guaranteed subservience and serfdom.
Jassiester, you are a complete fuckup.
We were the best fighting force in the world - proof is in the pudding isn't it? Most of those parabats and recces are now earning absolute fortunes in places like Iraq and Afganistan. They are highly prized individuals and the British Army is full of them now.
You can hate us and insult us and wish all sorts of things happen to us but you cannot escape the truth, especially when it is staring you in the face. Firstly, Apartheid was a good thing - the western powers never asked for it to be removed, just reformed. During those times we were a mini-superpower with our own nuclear arsenal. Secondly, inspite of your blind, unreasoning hatred for us, we are still the most intelligent and well-educated on the African continent. We have achieved things that other nations can only dream of - we performed the world first heart transplant and what makes this an even greater achievement is that we were largely barred from the international community's advancements in medicine and therefore did all our own research. The CAT scan, which all surgeons now cannot do without, was created right here by Afrikaner scientists. The Rooi-valk helicopter is still considered the most advanced aircraft of its kind, and all this was developed independantly by Afrikaners. I could go on.
You are what Ian Smith called a "credulous person"; you will believe anything that feeds your particular hatred and then you want to pass it off as fact creating the cycle of mis-information.
So you see, even under difficult circumstances, we continue to thrive. Despise us if you wish, in the bigger scheme of things, your opinion is just another fart in the wind. How long do you think that the negro-nazi cANCer and their cronies (like yourself) will be able to run roughshod over an educated, civilised and strong people? I give it another 5 years at the most. In that time we will have achieved at least some part of our freedom back and be careful if you are in South Africa in those times.
There is no doubt there were a few great Afrikaner fighters in the bush war but unfortunately a few does not an Army or victory make!
I will not debate how these Afrikaner killers for hire are successful or not in Iraq (a lot came back in body bags).
(sorry for losing my cool)
Barnard was a great guy and he and several Afrikaners (and others) at Groote Schuur did perform the first heart transplant. I take nothing away from them for this. I think you said you were a doctor so you would also understand that in several countries it was not permitted to conduct this transplant because it was deemed too experimental. As a side point it is sad to note the recent death of Debakey. It is also a shame that the apartheid healthcare system did not provide unfettered access to all races otherwise the Denton Cooley school would not have so quickly outpaced South Africa's heart transplant efforts.
By the I know somebody who also claims to have invented the CAT scan - much like Al Gore invented the internet.
I agree with you on one thing -
you do continue to thrive
You still own all the businesses, most of the land, have your swimming pools, maids, gardeners etc - in the most beautiful environment in the world.
Why don't you get involved and help a wonderful young country to blossom and grow.
Unless of course you have a pathological hatred for what you refer to as "kaffirs".
Stand Trial with ZUMA.
That’s why they want to Close Down The Scorpions.
The ANC THIEVES do NOT want to be investigated.
MUH DICK Maing where beeze duh white womenence and sheeit
I might put some decent effort into dissing Chicken Little here, if his blog showed some coherence and logic. All it does show is his rambling, contradictory and hypocritical state of mind. No doubt he's on the ANC gravy train which is why he smugly proclaims that all is well, while screwing his bruthas further into the ground.
Rooster: you are one hilarious hypocrite & a liar as I have NEVER "spread hatred" yet this is ALL YOU EVER DO! You started a blog advocating genocide -yet you deign to infer that I am the one spreading hatred. This is your hateful blog not mine. I think the proper term that comes to mind here to describe your bizarre accusations is: projection.
Jassiester: The only time I used an Afrikaner academic ( I ignored the generals) as a reference was to note the influence that British Intelligence had on the placement of F W De Klerk into power. This is an important fact to consider as it is indicative to how the British are still running the macro State they created in 1909 with the South Africa Act which they passed in British Parliament.
To make the erroneous assertion that there is no difference between the anti Colonial frontier descended Boers vs the pro Colonial urban descended Afrikaners is to demonstrate a high degree of ignorance & a complete lack of insight on the matter. The Boer people are only about ONE THIRD of the total White Afrikaans population: hence it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to correctly use the two terms "interchangeably"! While a number of modern Boers often do use these terms interchangeably -it is only due to IGNORANCE / propaganda & the decades of the Afrikaner domination of the Boers. It would be impossible to call the Cape Dutch descendents "Boers" as they were NEVER part of the Boer people as the Boers developed on the frontiers of White settlement [1] & on the outskirts of civilization.
The fact that the term "boer" means farmer is only where the term ORIGINATED. As the people who developed on the frontiers came to called Boers as a cultural / national denotation in relation their distinct identity even apart from the inhabitants of the Western Cape. Those who remained in the Western Cape looked down on the Boers as they viewed them as semi-barbaric frontiersmen [2] & they ridiculed the Boers for their independent / anti-colonial spirit.
The Boers were NEVER colonizers of Southern Africa for the simple reason that their ancestors were TAKEN OUT of Europe & Asia then dumped at the Cape as servants of the VOC. The VOC were the true colonizers. When the Trekboers began to trek away from the Western Cape [3] / the VOC & the proto Afrikaners starting in the late 1600s & throughout the 1700s: they became an indigenous feature of the African landscape. [4] The Boers rebelled against the Dutch Colonial power in 1795 when they established the first Boer Republics & rebelled against the British Colonial powers all throughout the 19th cent while the Cape Dutch / Afrikaners NEVER DID & were often quite happy with the Colonial powers.
Therefore: it is an absolute unacademic assertion to lump to two White Afrikaans speaking cultural / ethnic groups together. The notion that the Afrikaners & the Boers were the "same" was always the propaganda of the Afrikaners Nationalists who stole the inheritance of the Boers [5] - suppressed their identity [6] & attempted to co-opt them in the name of preventing them from reclaiming their stolen Boer Republics as the Boers had tried to do by force of arms during the Maritz Rebellion of 1914 of which its main aim was the restoration of the Boer Republics.
Afrikaans does in fact have nothing to do with Dutch for the simple fact that the ancestors of the White Afrikaans speaking peoples were not mainly of Dutch origin. The Frankonish / High Dutch dialect spoken by most of the first arrivals was a SIBLING language to Netherlands Dutch not a descendent language of Netherlands Dutch. [7] This is a fact. Similar to how Provencal is a sibling language to French & not a descendent language of French. The fact that some modern Dutch can somewhat understand Afrikaans is similar to how speakers of French can somewhat understand Spanish.
The influences of other languages on the emerging Afrikaans language was certainly by no means "minimal". Once again: this was always the propaganda of the Afrikaner Nationalists / Apartheid educators. For someone who claims to dismiss the rhetoric of the Apartheid educators: you sure as hell parrot A LOT of the rhetoric they promoted. The Malay & Portuguese spoken by the imported Asian slaves had an incredible influence on the shaping of the Afrikaans language. [8] A significant amount of the lexicon of Afrikaans is of Malay & Portuguese origin. The accent / grammar & syntax of Afrikaans is significantly based on those of the Malay of the Asians. The Oriental "flavour" of Afrikaans is noted within independent studies of this homegrown language. [9]
The French influence is also significant on Afrikaans as the nasalization of vowels [10] / the double negative [11] & the pronunciation of certain words is derived entirely from the French influence on the Afrikaans language.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Conspiracy thoeries?! That's rich coming from someone who promotes Afrikaner Nationalist propaganda.
The fact that the South Africans were fighting Cubans in Angola is not a "conspiracy theory" as many Cubans were in fact sent there. Then you erroneously accuse myself of being a Boer & or Afrikaner when I am in fact a Canadian.
What you seem to forget is that De Klerk had always planned on handing the macro state over. He admitted himself in an interview with Charlie Rose that he had made the decision since 1986 to totally abandon White rule & to negotiate a dispensation of universal suffrage. [12] This was LONG BEFORE the alleged "defeat" in Angola which btw had NOTHING to do with local South African political situation as the South African State was not overtly engaged in a war (on the battlefield at least) with the various local "liberation" movements.
First of all the Apartheid "strategy" was initiated by the British Colonial governments. [13] Next: only the people living in the townships were "inferiorly" educated but the citizens of the various independent homeland States were in fact educated on par with the White educational institutions in South Africa proper. I noticed how the new racist regime DISMANTLED all of those institutions leading to a poorly educated people within those specific regions in stark contrast to the past.
The various people ARE STILL BEING DENIED the resources of the land! Do you think the Anglo-American & De Beers just went away? Notice how their power is STILL GOING STRONG & how they are STILL stealing & denying the resources to the whole of the population.
1. Brian M. Du Toit. The Boers in East Africa: Ethnicity and Identity. Page 1.
Quote: [ The Boers had a tradition of trekking. Boer society was born on the frontiers of white settlement and on the outskirts of civilization. As members of a frontier society they always had a hinterland, open spaces to conquer, territory to occupy. Their ancestors had moved away from the limiting confines of Cape society to settle the eastern frontier. In time this location became too restricted, and individuals and families moved north across the Orange River. ]
2. Wallace Mills. Trekboers & migrations. The Great Trek.
Quote: [ The latter regarded the Trekboers as rather wild, semi-barbarous frontiersmen and the sense of common identity was limited and incomplete. ]
3. Due to their poorer economic status & the fact that they found the Colonial VOC regulations intolerable: they left trekking inland & forming a distinct & separate culture later known as the Boer nation.
4. The Devil's Annexe. A Continent in Agony. Sidney & Shirley Robbins.
Quote: [ The trekboers are a product of Africa. They broke all connection with Europe and their homeland Holland. The Afrikaner and his language grew out of this movement, and this could be considered as another of the migrations of Africa but by a white African tribe this time. ]
5. Theuns Cloete of Boervolk Radio noted this during an interview with an American shortwave / internet radio program.
6. Adriana Stuijt. Post from African Crisis Article.
Quote: [ under the National Party government, they weren't allowed to know a lot of their own rich history and the word "Boer" wasn't used much by National-Party ministers. ]
7. Chart showing Afrikaans as a sibling language to Dutch as it rose up independently of modern Dutch as Afrikaans is originally mainly from a 17th cent High Dutch dialect known as Frankonish.
8. André van Rensburg. Slaves at the Cape South Africa.
Quote: [ Evidence in Afrikaans Language Concerning these Roots.
My genealogy is reflected in the Afrikaans language, where other Malay words have been maintained such a baadjie -jacket, baie - a lot or plenty, piering - saucer, sjambok - wip, blatjang - chutney, piesang - banana, pondok - hut, rotang - cane. Some other words are outa - used for elderly man or servant, aia - for a lady servant and kaija - rough dwelling. It is rather interesting that most words deals with food, punishment or dwelling. Achmat Davids wrote an article: The Words the Slaves Made. In it he refers to some other words: nonnie, tronk from 'tarungka' meaning jail, baie from 'bannyak' meaning plenty or much, tamaai from 'utama' meaning big, soewaar which was first said as tjoewaar coming from 'tjoba' meaning assuredly. Other words include baklei - fight, sosatie, kabaai, katel, bobotie, oorlam, (oor)krabbetjie, amper, saam-saam from tjakki-tjakki.
According to Hans den Besten, during the greater part of the 18th Century many slaves came from India-Sri Lanka and the others from Indonesia. The slaves from the sub-continent and some from Indonesia used Creole Portugese, others who had Indonesian parents, whether they came from India or Indonesia they used a non standard Malay. One can observe the inluence of Creole Portugese: 'tronkoe' became 'tronk, '. The Mollucans (Ambon) influence can be seen in the use of titles: "Moenie Oom/ Dokter vir my pla nie"; "Jan-hulle". Other Creole Portugese words in Afrikaans: sambreel, tarentaal, kombers, koperkapel, kraal, mielie, ramkie, brinjal, kiepersol. For further information refer to the following books by Raidt, 'Afr. en sy Euroese verlede', and Ponelis, 'the development of Afr.'). Also Boshoff & Nienaber, 'Afrikaanse etimologiee'. ]
9. History of the Afrikaans language in South Africa.
Quote: [ While the Dutch, who arrived in South Africa in 1652 and established a colony in Cape Town, are largely credited with the birth of the language, the version spoken today is an accumulation of many other influences. The Dutch dialect established after 1652 incorporated terms and phrases handed down from sailors who had been shipwrecked off the Cape coast after it became clear that the horn of Africa presented another viable trade route. These phrases, of both english and portuguese origin, soon found their way into the dutch dialect.
In addition, the language took on a more oriental flavour with the arrival of a slaves in the Cape, primarily of Malay extraction, but also from other eastern regions and nearby African islands including Madagascar.
This spiced the language considerably, and when the accents, dialects and phrases of the original inhabitants of the land were added to the mix, it became evident that Afrikaans was a completely different animal to its Dutch parent. ]
10. The Last Trek. Sheila Patterson. Page: 44. Published: 1957.
Quote: [ French influence led to the nasalization of certain vowels, while Malay Portuguese... produced several characteristic constructions & a number of common words, including baie (very) aia (nurse) and noi (mistress). There is even a theory that... Afrikaans arose as a bastard tongue out of a clash between Dutch and Malay Portuguese. ]
11. Answers.com. The Double Negative.
Quote: [ Double negation is not found in the standard West Germanic languages except for Afrikaans where it is mandatory. For example: Hy kan nie Afrikaans praat nie. (literally 'he cannot Afrikaans speak not'). Both French and San origins have been suggested for double negation in Afrikaans. ]
12. F W De Klerk interviewed by Charlie Rose in 1999.
[ I served on a small cabinet committee & we really took a hard look at where we stood &
This lead to the abandonment by the National Party of the policy of Separate Development of Apartheid -formally abandoning it- already in August 1986. I was part of that decision. ] Noted at 5:30.
13. Gavan Tredoux. Apartheid Revisited.
[ Apartheid was not invented in 1948 by Afrikaner Nationalists. The Nationalists were always eager to lay claim to apartheid, but this was a misleading element of their propaganda. Political parties are given to claims that they disagree with those who insist that they really agree. Apartheid was actually pioneered by the British colonial governments of Natal and the Cape Province. ]
Furthermore: I notice your total lack of calling the current oppressive regime on their enforcement of a lifetime of serfdom. The thing that most people seem to miss here is that only the middle management of the oppressive macro State has changed while the exact same apparatus of disenfranchisement is still in effect & dispossessing the rights of the whole population.
It's alleged that Mbeki gave the money to the ANC. He didn't even take it himself. See how you people take a thing out of context.
You'll find far more sinister corruption by any western politicians even if you take the mst superficial look for it.
Cheeses Rooster, you have infected everyone with your verbal diahree
On the surface of things I must say that you have provided an interesting piece of non fiction laden with a veritable list of references laced with complete fiction:
Your references however are mostly opinion pieces and interpretations from what could be termed a motley bunch – at best.
Are you really expecting anybody to take you seriously when you quote -as a reference - white racist bitch Adriana Struijt writng on arch white fascist and racist site africancrisis.co.za. The same Adriana Struijt also known as Censorbugbug who posts proudly and unashamedly on the extreme South Africa Sucks (excised by Google for the third time) site.
To the point – apparently these sites from what I read on the net are run by people with the names of Bert and Neels Oosthuizen, Adriana Strujt and Jan Lombard. Not only is their language affinity evident by their names and their incredibly poor use of the English language – they also are very proud of their Afrikaans or Dutch orientation!
(I should be careful as well – English is not my mother tongue).
Now whether you choose to nit pick over whether people are Afrikaners or Boers is up to you. All I can tell you is that the two groups participate equally in spreading the hate and trying to fuck up the country instead of helping out.
Why now the propensity to choose eugenics mogul and worshiper Gavan Tredoux? Are you also a eugenics fan. Well I guess millions of nazis could not have been wrong.
Let me back up – Tredoux did say the following which perhaps cuts to the chase and puts some of these horrible racist weasels in a box:
“Those whites who cannot emigrate are sure to become an especially troublesome presence and a potent source of instability for any future government. Machiavelli might have advised his future prince that, if one plans to discriminate, it is wise to pick victims who cannot emigrate, or least will not be missed if they do.”
On the language thing – I note that Portugese is now Creole Portugese?? (I am pleased you admit to using ask.com as a source). To say that the difference between Dutch and Afrikaans is akin to the difference between French and Spanish is ridiculous. No matter what ask.com tells you on this I would have difficulty believing it. I am fortunate in having a fair language ability in all 4 of the above languages and I use the DINNER test as opposed to the ask.com test. A French couple and a Spanish couple having dinner together for the first time would understand FAR less of what was being communicated than a Dutch and Afrikaans couple having dinner together. Yeah I know thats kind of anecdotal but life's like that. Now if you had of said Italian and Spanish or Dutch and German maybe...Afrikaans is very much a diminutive form of Dutch with a smattering of other ethnic words, often interesting colloquialisms from people that the Apartheid assholes called Coloureds. Actually stripping out the more structured verb structure from Dutch gets you to about a 95% understanding of Afrikaans out of the box.
Sorry that took so long.
Here is my point. Here is the reality from a source that has passed judicial and academic muster. In other words the Truth And Reconciliation Commission lifted from the Stanford University website.
Of course the English colonizers had a role to play in the structure of South African politics, including some very unfair and cruel actions and laws. When I originally wrote what I did, I honestly was not going back that far.
Nevertheless, you are factually challenged in terms of the Apartheid Laws. It was not the British (maybe because they were not in power) but the oppressive Afrikaner government (read Afrikaner people) that introduced the Apartheid (I call crime against humanity) system.
Population Registration Act 1950
1950 Group Areas Act
The 1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and 1950 Immorality Amendment Act
1950 Suppression of Communism Act
1953 Separate Amenities Act
1953 Bantu Education Act
1959 Extension of University Education Act
Blogger does not provide the space to expand on this any further so please go and read the reality (facts) of just how heinous, de-humanizing and lethal this system was – hence my argument that perhaps a few white South African Presidents and Generals should be in a Dutch (how fitting) prison attending their trial like the Serbs. Before one of the low IQ Afrikaner separatists utters “what about Mugarbe” - I agree he should also go.
I did not say that everything was peachy today. How could it be after you have read the attachment which shows how the euphemistic “separate development” or “separate but designed to never be equal serfdom” system was institutionalized over a long period of time and was one of the biggest moral and ethical fuck ups in modern history.
Best wishes from an overcast Cape Town.
The references I posted are not meant to be interpreted as an endorsement of everything that the various sources stand for. So let's get this canard out of the way & stick to the topics discussed. I posted them to bolster the specific points I was making. It is not possible for any source to be completely free of bias -but the points I excerpted & posted are correct on the basics of the specific facts I was presenting.
Calling Adrina Stuijt "a racist" just shows how out of touch you are as she is of course nothing of the sort. This is the same Adriana Stuijt who was a vocal opponent of the old Apartheid regime who campaigned for the rights of the Black masses back when she was a professional reporter. So your odd misrepresenting ad hominem attack against her SPEAKS VOLUMES to your deceitful & calumnious nature! Stuijt had her own web site called: Censorbugbear which was a consortium of former journalists who were reporting on the current situation in South Africa. To call Adriana Stuijt a racist is a sure sign of desperation as you are definitely barking up the wrong tree on this one! Though I guess to you: anyone who is critical of the current regime is "racist" proving that this term is just a pejorative / ad hominem used against those who are critical of the new racist Apartheid regime. I suppose tomorrow you will be accusing Helen Suzman of being "a racist bitch" as well. Welcome to Bizarro World.
First off: it is Jan Lamprecht not Jan Lombard. Who BTW does not know how to speak Afrikaans at all! So you are completely wrong about what group you presume he belongs to. He is an English speaking former Zimbabwean. If you ever bothered to listen to the interviews he has given to American radio stations (available on the internet) you would have known that he speaks with an English Southern African accent. Furthermore: just like you: he ALSO rejects the Boer nation.
I find it incredible how much in common you have with those you purport to be at odds with.
Lamprecht is a German name not a Dutch name. Lombard is a French name. So no matter which name: both names are not of Dutch origin. Further destroying your lame & hateful " Dutch only" erroneous & disgraceful rhetoric.
BTW. The De Klerk name / the Malan name / the Du Plessis name / the Naudé name / the Fouché / the Nel name / the Le Grange name -to name a few former White South African leaders & cabinet members- are French surnames. Further bolstering the point that the Afrikaans peoples are not of Dutch origins.
There is hardly any authentic Dutch roots among the White Afrikaans speaking peoples as the Dutch masters took Germans & Frisians out of Europe. Then a short time later the VOC brought out numerous French Huguenot refugees who now make up about 25 % of the origins of the White Afrikaans population.
For someone who claims to dismiss Apartheid educators: I have yet to see a single point (aside from the position on Apartheid) on which you disagree with them.
There are Boers & there are non-Boer descended Afrikaners. This fact is not "up to me" but the cultural REALITY of the situation. Do not sit there & pretend as though this has no relevance - just as your Afrikaner Nationalist buddies did in the past.
There is no "the country"! You assert that there is "a country" when in fact there is only an illegal macro State which was imposed onto all of the population with the South Africa Act of 1909 which was passed in the British Parliament. The macro State known as South Africa is comprized of NUMEROUS countries. IE: the Cape / Griqualand / the Transvaal Republic / the Orange Free State Republic / Natal / Zululand / Tswanaland / Xhosaland / Pediland / Vendaland etc. None of the various nations were ever consulted about the imposition of the British run macro State which is STILL the major cause of the oppression of the subjugated masses.
I did not read that quote ANYWHERE in the article of Gavan Tredoux. I certainly would not be supportive of any eugenic model he allegedly supports as I was referring to the specific excerpt he wrote in relation to the origins of the Apartheid laws of which he is of course 100% right concerning that specific point.
No fool! The " Creole Portuguese" van Rensburg was referring to was the dialect spoken by the Malay & other Asian slaves as they had working knowledge of Portuguese but obviously not a standard form of the language.
No again liar. I NEVER used ask.com. I found an excerpt noting the source of the double negative of Afrikaans within an article on Answers.com. I read about this in another article I could not recall so I used Answers.com as a backup. Once again your lying & misrepresentations are denting your credibility on this topic.
The assertion you make concerning your OPINION on how well Dutch & Afrikaans persons could understand one another is totally subjective & not supportive of the various accounts of those who have claimed to having GREAT DIFFICULTY in understanding each other. The French & Spanish comparison was used to illustrate that they are both originally from the same source -just as Dutch & Frankonish once were- which is why speakers of both language can SOMEWHAT understand the gist of the what was being communicated to each other. Perhaps French & Provencal would be a better example to make the point.
Dutch & Afrikaans are not similar because Dutch is "a parent" (which is wrong) of Afrikaans but because Dutch rose up alongside the Frankonish ancestor of Afrikaans. Period. Just as French & Provencal are similar but not because Provencal is from French but because Provencal rose up along side French. The Frankonish dialect rose up along side & separately from Dutch. Afrikaans is directly from Frankonish / High Dutch not from Netherlands Dutch.
Afrikaans had got nothing to do with Dutch as most of the White arrivals to the Cape were speakers of Frankonish which is a SIBLING language to Dutch not a descendent of Dutch. Calling Afrikaans a "diminutive" of Dutch is totally incorrect & would be tantamount to calling French a "diminutive" of Latin while omitting the strong Celtic / Gaulish influence on the Latin dialect which would later became French.
No. The Afrikaner Nationalists (whom you oddly parrot) passed what was termed Grand Apartheid or rather the Separate Development phase of the Apartheid laws. The British Colonial regimes though were the originators of Apartheid as a social policy & as a series of political laws.
I am not defending the old Apartheid system at all so you are engaging in a false debate. Though it is fitting that you would scapegoat an entire ethnic group -the Serbs (which is an epithet)- when in fact the Croatians under Franjo Tudjman was just as brutal as the Serbian war lords.
Separate Development was not a "euphemism" as it was a separate PHASE of the Apartheid system of which this specific phase was aimed at granting independence to the various historic Black settlements. This was obviously carried out very badly as White South Africa proper (particularly its business sector) grew too dependent on Black migrant labour making the sustainability of such an over ambitious system impossible in the long run.
Anonymous 05:17 - what do you mean Snowy Smith illegally presents himself as being able to offer legal advice? Is he a lawyer or not?
Well said greg.
Snowey Smith is not a lawyer. He does however post all over the internet that he gives legal advice. This in itself is illegal in many countries. If I dig a little I could give you the backup including his phone number (which he has published) in case you wanted to have a chat to him.
I don't think that lawyers are necessarily bright however I would have thought it evident that Mr / Ms Snowey Smith - white South African racist is no fucking rocket scientist!
At last you have outed yourself as a white BOER separatist and racist. How are things in Oranje?
You special Boers are so fundamentalist that you remind me of the Taliban - except they do not promote in breeding.
Sorry you are right - the other racist is not Jan Lombard but Jan Lamprecht. To argue that africancrisis.co.za, which he runs is not a white racist cess pool is as ludicrous as saying that Bert Ooshuizen is Mary Poppins.
You have further outed yourself as a cut and paste propaganda artist because of your inability to understand your sources connection with the hateful Nazi practice of Eugenics.
She basically runs the South Africa Sucks website, posts on there regularly, is listed as a main contributor, participates actively in the blog comment section where the most heinous of blood curdling racist remarks are made.
Ron you are a lying son of a bitch.
I am not going to post too many of these but here is example one where they take a young black kid and refer to him as a Getto Lobster
Content Warning
Blackened or Fried, Put em on to Boil - the caption starts - read the rest, you sick puppy.
Jassieser , hanks for point out the credibility of some of the sources. You're a welcome addition here and as you say the type of people who frequent these hatefl whitey sites are not the sharpest tools. Certainly they aren't the people we are talking about when we complain about "brain drain".
Thanks the rooster, and, if I may, congrats to you for creating this long awaited antidote to the desease of divorced reality that so many suffer. I see so many examples of people taking historical "facts" and relating them to the present.
A word to ron. et al. Historical facts are just data points. These points are often only elevated to "facts" by one's own ideologies. You chose your "facts" and they represent your ideology. I chose mine and they present my ideology.
Perhaps the only thing of relevance would be that my ideology/ies is/are correct. We need to condemn the despots of africa, just as we condemn the atrocities commited in other parts of the world. And history should be the deciding factor.
@ jassiester.
You seem to imply that historical fact is, in fact, historically subjective. And yet you use, as argument, that history be the deciding factor with respect to prosecution.
This argument seems somewhat circular. Even disregarding your last post, which illustrates this fact, your entire stream of thought seems directed in this manner, (betterer english or not). I think you should concentrate less on your english foibles and more on your logical errors.
History is shaped, not noted. You, sir, are mining coprolite.
@ le_coq_sportif
How stupid. Sportif is spelt with a VE at the end you dummy.
As for the rest of your drol speech please do not use google translate - I has warned you it is not exact.
You are no better than a simian, flat nosed pinkfoot - just like Frikkie Potgieter.
ALL members of South Africa Sucks is hereby ordered NOT to visit this site otherwise I will ban you and if I catch you and you will NEVER visit my site again.
By owe daad!
First off Greg: the distinction between Afrikaner & Boer is a historical one. The Boers are the descendents of those who developed on the northern & eastern Cape frontier from the poor peasants who trekked away from the Western Cape & Colonial society altogether during the late 1600s & throughout the 1700s while the Afrikaners on the other hand are mainly the decendents of those who developed & remained in the south western Cape during the era of formation. The Boers' dialect has been classified as Eastern Border Afrikaans: a language they only ever referred to as the "taal" while the Cape based Afrikaners dialect is from a strain of West Cape Afrikaans. The Boers were anti-colonial while the Cape Dutch / Afrikaners were pro Colonial & always looked down on the Boers whom to this day the Cape Afrikaners refer to in derogatory terms such as "Vaalies" & others. The Cape Dutch propagated the term Afrikaner which they later applied to the Boers as well after a coalition of Cape Dutch / Afrikaner & British conquered the Boers after the second Anglo-Boer War.
The Boers were co-opted by the Afrikaner Nationalists during the 1930s & hence into the White domination platform when the Afrikaner Nationalists adopted the Colour bar laws thereby removing the major grievance of the striking Boers on the mines who did not like their wages being "under cut by cheap Bantu labour". The poor White people were simply used by the White supremacists as a tool to bolster the power of the politicians same as with any ideology which only strengthens the State. It is not so much that White supremacism -or any ideology for that matter- is "a cover" for Statism as much as that ideologies are all distractions & tools for those who run the State as well as society in general. What difference does it make which ideology is being used by various states as they all increase the power of the State which is the common denominator & springboard of ideologies as well as the true source of oppression.
For one thing I do not propose that "modern societies" should even be run. Certainly not by the antiquated & oppressive apparatus of the centralized State. The people should reassert their power to run themselves free from the dictates of the State: which are all basically theocracies as States are simply coercive tools forcing everyone to comply with the personal beliefs of a minority who enact public laws which usurp the will of the people as it created a monopoly on the application of societal regulation.
The matter of the Boers who are a distinct entity from the Afrikaners is not simply a matter to be viewed from a ridiculous racial paradigm: after all obsessing about who is racist or not is a waste of time & an irrelevant distraction from the real problems facing people which is the usurpation of their rights by the illegitimate ruling apparatus. After all: racism extends all the way down to ethnic group vs ethnic group. People should look past all this & focus on restoring their inherent rights from the various centralizing mechanisms which are used as dangerous tools of subversion against the people. Racism is just another tool the rulers use to divide & conquer the various populations that they exploit to their own ends.
What you appear not to realize is that it is unimportant to even fight within a racial paradigm since no matter what side one is one: it is all a ruse -being two prongs of the same beast- to rationalize or enhance the power of the State. Consider that fact that the Apartheid State was never dismantled -which is why Apartheid was reformulated so soon by the current regime after it was officially dismantled by the former regime. This is because the root cause of Apartheid: the State -was left intact exactly as it was created by the racist British Imperialists. Buyers Naudé & others might have meant well, but they were still part of the problem as they were participating in a rigged dialectical antagonism & never addressed the source of the oppression: the State & its unelected supra rulers. [1]
Claiming that the brave Adriana Stuijt -who had to battle against the old Broederbond National Party regime- has "turned into a White supremacist" is absolutely misleading & defamatory to say the least. She is still on the front lines to this day covering the devastating TB XDR which is ravaging many Black people. [2] Stop misapplying this ridiculous pejorative to her as she has never conducted herself as a White supremacist. A true White supremacist certainly would not be trying to bring exposure to this deadly TB XDR strain.
Then you outrageously suggest that there is no impending genocide against the Afrikaans peoples. The President of Genocide Watch Gregory Stanton has publicly called the killing of Boer farmers a genocide under the Genocide Convention. [3] The murder rate of Afrikaans speaking people is far greater out of proportion to their total numbers within the general population. The numbers speak for themselves. When a given groups of people are being killed faster than their ability to sustain their numbers: that is by definition a genocide. Furthermore: I should remind you that the denial of genocide is now a prosecutable offense in the West & is considered a hate crime & those who engage in the denial of genocide are flirting with marginal notions & treading into disreputable waters. Also: it should be pointed out that there is a growing genocide against all the peoples of South Africa. Just that the Afrikaans speaking communities who are being killed are disappearing at a much faster rate due to their smaller size within the total general population.
The recent xenophobic (which is just a euphemism for Black vs Black racism) attacks were only local Black persons against the foreign Black persons not against the indigenous White persons so your question is inappropriate. The abuse of farm workers is a serious problem as well -but most of those cases are farm workers being abused by other Black persons as very few White farmers would ever dare to do so. When Fickburg farmer Eddie van Maltitz was interviewed by BBC host Louis Theroux: van Maltitz pointed out to Theroux that the Black farm workers are also under threat [4] & are often attacked & killed themselves by the same people which attack & kill the White farmers & White farm workers.
Jassiester. What a ridiculous comment. I admitted to you that I am a Canadian. I would not be ashamed to be a Boer if I was one - but the fact is that I am not. The term Boer appears to be employed by you as more of a desperate & misplaced pejorative than the actual cultural designation that it is supposed to represent. If you are talking about Orania: this project is much more of an Afrikaner undertaking than it is a Boer one. Now whether or not some of the comments at African Crisis are racist or not is besides the point as the main point of his -Lamprecht- site is to post the suppressed news relating to South Africa. The comments are solely the opinion of the various authors.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. The practice of Eugenics was only adopted by the Nazis but it was started by the Americans: where Hitler got the idea from. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a Eugenicist but few people ever claim that her beliefs discredit the entire organization which btw could certainly be accused of promoting genocide. But somehow I doubt that you will be calling for the founder to be brought to the world court.
Now your flagrantly hateful remark concerning Stuijt -who has more courage in just one single cell than you could ever have in your entire body- exposes you as an anti-Boer bigot before the whole world. The fact that she continues to represent those who have been marginalized whether they be Boer or Sotho is commendable but the fact that you choose to spew hatred at her for it speaks volumes. The Boers fought two wars against the British & against the formation of the macro State of South Africa. Therefore your hatred of the Boers is totally misplaced. None other than Nelson Mandela has openly paid tribute to Danie Theron & the Boers' struggle against Colonialism [5] yet you disgustingly accuse them of quote: " fucking up the country" (sic). A "country" / State they NEVER wanted as it was IMPOSED onto them as well.
It is not a lie that Stuijt is not a racist as she can certainly not be held responsible for the racist remarks left by other posters. Sir: you are the lying son of a bitch pal. Do some research into who Stuijt is before making these libelous & unfounded assertions.
No one's ideologies are correct. This is what you fail to understand. I am opposed to ideologies as I am only interested in the facts. While you on the other hand make a habit out of dismissing those facts which contradict your rigid ideology - making your an extreme hypocrite. Face it: your agenda here is to disparage Afrikaans speakers as a whole while letting the builders of the oppressive apparatus completely off the hook. Looks like you have just exposed yourself as a neo British Imperialist as you copy all of their racist hateful ant-Boer propaganda & positions.
1. Like the heads of multi national corporations & the banking cartel which execute unaccountable power over the population.
2. Stuijt's blog covering the XDR outbreak. American radio host Jeff Rense interviewed Stuijt concerning this. Here is a report posted at Rense's news site she authored.
3. Carte Blanche television program.
Quote. [ A scene like this, he says, should have the alarm bells ringing.
This farmer was ambushed at his farm gate, shot in the back and left to die. His vehicle was burnt out and his body displayed with the lights and number plates.
Gregory: “These are clearly hate crimes. It's such a symbolic expression of de-humanisation. They're so treating him like a thing.”
It's often thought that a whole group needs to be killed before it's defined as genocide, but that's not the case.
Stanton says the more than one thousand four hundred farmers killed in South Africa could be classified under the Genocide Convention.
Gregory: “Even if it's a few hundred individuals who have been targeted, that is an act of genocide under the convention.”
However, Stanton warns that South Africa has already slipped into the fifth stage of the process, or what he refers to as polarisation.
Gregory: “Extremists attempt to drive out the centre, they attempt to divide the world into just two camps; into us and them.”
And from there on, he says, it's a small step to the seventh stage when the actual genocide takes place and where the word genocide is used. ]
4. BBC. Wierd Weekends with Louis Theroux.
5. Famous Boer Scout Danie Theron.
Quote: [ On 6th March 2002, former President Nelson Mandela unveiled the new Danie Theron Monument near the Union Building in Pretoria. It was one of the very rare occassions were Mr. Mandela spoke Afrikaans in public. In his speech the former President valued the fighting spirit of Danie Theron, his honesty, bravery and his determination to do the right thing for his nation and his believes. Nelson Mandela said that the modern South Africa needs more Danie Therons in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead. ]
Note: Theron is a French surname. This is not "ideology" you ignorant. This & the non-Dutch origins of most of the White Afrikaans speaking population (s) is a cold fact.
Only today racist white Dutch woman Adriana Struijt posted this on her blog:
She then goes on to have friendly banter with the first two people that comment:
(Go read it. She is commenter number 3.)
Extract from comment 1:
"Perhaps he is planting kaffir trees."
Extract from comment 2:
Then her inane joking comment.
That makes her a racist white bitch in my book.
So, if that is defamatory I look forward to my day in court.
Ron - I am not aware that denying a genocide is a crime, if I had a nickel for all the people who deny that Holocaust even took place, well... I am aware of what Gregory Stanton has said on the issue, but I am not aware of whether he himself has an agenda, I mean he is "white" and so maybe he is biased toward Afrikaners - I do not know, just throwing possibilities out there. Listen, I think each and every murder is abhorrent and the perpetrators should be punished to full extent of law, whether the murder victim is Afrikaner, "Coloured", black or whatever. This blog talks a lot about the positives of SA and that is good, but one thing it does need is a much more efficient police service and criminal justice system. The feedback I get from my friends in South Africa, all of whom are black incidentally, is that there is too much corruption and apathy in the SAPS. I do not deny the fact that some of farm murders have been absolutely abhorrent, and that is an understatement, but again I do not see evidence that it is a genocide on level of what took place in Rwanda for example. If it is a genocide, why are the perpetrators stretching it out over a period of 14 years? I view farm murders as coming from a complex range of factors including land hunger, disproportionate ownership of land by whites, abuses of farm workers, high crime levels and relative vulnerability of farmers due to frequent shortage of police.
Hay Dude Highlandfucker,
You a brave man to post the addresses of some good hard working immigrant folk that have dedicated their lives to helping people. Say hallelujah.
Now as for you young Aryan blue eyed boy who I know personally physically licked the ass of Timothy McVeigh - good for you. He was a great role model.
How's the weather in Alaska man? Can't remember if the birthday now puts you at 25 or 26?
Greg will soon have his PHD - you will have your potassium chloride.
Have a good one!
First off Greg: the distinction between Afrikaner & Boer is a historical one. The Boers are the descendents of those who developed on the northern & eastern Cape frontier from the poor peasants who trekked away from the Western Cape & Colonial society altogether during the late 1600s & throughout the 1700s while the Afrikaners on the other hand are mainly the decendents of those who developed & remained in the south western Cape during the era of formation. The Boers' dialect has been classified as Eastern Border Afrikaans: a language they only ever referred to as the "taal" while the Cape based Afrikaners dialect is from a strain of West Cape Afrikaans. The Boers were anti-colonial while the Cape Dutch / Afrikaners were pro Colonial & always looked down on the Boers whom to this day the Cape Afrikaners refer to in derogatory terms such as "Vaalies" & others. The Cape Dutch propagated the term Afrikaner which they later applied to the Boers as well after a coalition of Cape Dutch / Afrikaner & British conquered the Boers after the second Anglo-Boer War.
The Boers were co-opted by the Afrikaner Nationalists during the 1930s & hence into the White domination platform when the Afrikaner Nationalists adopted the Colour bar laws thereby removing the major grievance of the striking Boers on the mines who did not like their wages being "under cut by cheap Bantu labour". The poor White people were simply used by the White supremacists as a tool to bolster the power of the politicians same as with any ideology which only strengthens the State. It is not so much that White supremacism -or any ideology for that matter- is "a cover" for Statism as much as that ideologies are all distractions & tools for those who run the State as well as society in general. What difference does it make which ideology is being used by various states as they all increase the power of the State which is the common denominator & springboard of ideologies as well as the true source of oppression.
For one thing I do not propose that "modern societies" should even be run. Certainly not by the antiquated & oppressive apparatus of the centralized State. The people should reassert their power to run themselves free from the dictates of the State: which are all basically theocracies as States are simply coercive tools forcing everyone to comply with the personal beliefs of a minority who enact public laws which usurp the will of the people as it created a monopoly on the application of societal regulation.
The matter of the Boers who are a distinct entity from the Afrikaners is not simply a matter to be viewed from a ridiculous racial paradigm: after all obsessing about who is racist or not is a waste of time & an irrelevant distraction from the real problems facing people which is the usurpation of their rights by the illegitimate ruling apparatus. After all: racism extends all the way down to ethnic group vs ethnic group. People should look past all this & focus on restoring their inherent rights from the various centralizing mechanisms which are used as dangerous tools of subversion against the people. Racism is just another tool the rulers use to divide & conquer the various populations that they exploit to their own ends.
What you appear not to realize is that it is unimportant to even fight within a racial paradigm since no matter what side one is one: it is all a ruse -being two prongs of the same beast- to rationalize or enhance the power of the State. Consider that fact that the Apartheid State was never dismantled -which is why Apartheid was reformulated so soon by the current regime after it was officially dismantled by the former regime. This is because the root cause of Apartheid: the State -was left intact exactly as it was created by the racist British Imperialists. Buyers Naudé & others might have meant well, but they were still part of the problem as they were participating in a rigged dialectical antagonism & never addressed the source of the oppression: the State & its unelected supra rulers. [1]
Claiming that the brave Adriana Stuijt -who had to battle against the old Broederbond National Party regime- has "turned into a White supremacist" is absolutely misleading & defamatory to say the least. She is still on the front lines to this day covering the devastating TB XDR which is ravaging many Black people. [2] Stop misapplying this ridiculous pejorative to her as she has never conducted herself as a White supremacist. A true White supremacist certainly would not be trying to bring exposure to this deadly TB XDR strain.
Then you outrageously suggest that there is no impending genocide against the Afrikaans peoples. The President of Genocide Watch Gregory Stanton has publicly called the killing of Boer farmers a genocide under the Genocide Convention. [3] The murder rate of Afrikaans speaking people is far greater out of proportion to their total numbers within the general population. The numbers speak for themselves. When a given groups of people are being killed faster than their ability to sustain their numbers: that is by definition a genocide. Furthermore: I should remind you that the denial of genocide is now a prosecutable offense in the West & is considered a hate crime & those who engage in the denial of genocide are flirting with marginal notions & treading into disreputable waters. Also: it should be pointed out that there is a growing genocide against all the peoples of South Africa. Just that the Afrikaans speaking communities who are being killed are disappearing at a much faster rate due to their smaller size within the total general population.
The recent xenophobic (which is just a euphemism for Black vs Black racism) attacks were only local Black persons against the foreign Black persons not against the indigenous White persons so your question is inappropriate. The abuse of farm workers is a serious problem as well -but most of those cases are farm workers being abused by other Black persons as very few White farmers would ever dare to do so. When Fickburg farmer Eddie van Maltitz was interviewed by BBC host Louis Theroux: van Maltitz pointed out to Theroux that the Black farm workers are also under threat [4] & are often attacked & killed themselves by the same people which attack & kill the White farmers & White farm workers.
Jassiester. What a ridiculous comment. I admitted to you that I am a Canadian. I would not be ashamed to be a Boer if I was one - but the fact is that I am not. The term Boer appears to be employed by you as more of a desperate & misplaced pejorative than the actual cultural designation that it is supposed to represent. If you are talking about Orania: this project is much more of an Afrikaner undertaking than it is a Boer one. Now whether or not some of the comments at African Crisis are racist or not is besides the point as the main point of his -Lamprecht- site is to post the suppressed news relating to South Africa. The comments are solely the opinion of the various authors.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. The practice of Eugenics was only adopted by the Nazis but it was started by the Americans: where Hitler got the idea from. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a Eugenicist but few people ever claim that her beliefs discredit the entire organization which btw could certainly be accused of promoting genocide. But somehow I doubt that you will be calling for the founder to be brought to the world court.
Now your flagrantly hateful remark concerning Stuijt -who has more courage in just one single cell than you could ever have in your entire body- exposes you as an anti-Boer bigot before the whole world. The fact that she continues to represent those who have been marginalized whether they be Boer or Sotho is commendable but the fact that you choose to spew hatred at her for it speaks volumes. The Boers fought two wars against the British & against the formation of the macro State of South Africa. Therefore your hatred of the Boers is totally misplaced. None other than Nelson Mandela has openly paid tribute to Danie Theron & the Boers' struggle against Colonialism [5] yet you disgustingly accuse them of quote: " fucking up the country" (sic). A "country" / State they NEVER wanted as it was IMPOSED onto them as well.
It is not a lie that Stuijt is not a racist as she can certainly not be held responsible for the racist remarks left by other posters. Sir: you are the lying son of a bitch pal. Do some research into who Stuijt is before making these libelous & unfounded assertions.
No one's ideologies are correct. This is what you fail to understand. I am opposed to ideologies as I am only interested in the facts. While you on the other hand make a habit out of dismissing those facts which contradict your rigid ideology - making your an extreme hypocrite. Face it: your agenda here is to disparage Afrikaans speakers as a whole while letting the builders of the oppressive apparatus completely off the hook. Looks like you have just exposed yourself as a neo British Imperialist as you copy all of their racist hateful ant-Boer propaganda & positions.
1. Like the heads of multi national corporations & the banking cartel which execute unaccountable power over the population.
2. Stuijt's blog covering the XDR outbreak. American radio host Jeff Rense interviewed Stuijt concerning this. Here is a report posted at Rense's news site she authored.
3. Carte Blanche television program.
Quote. [ A scene like this, he says, should have the alarm bells ringing.
This farmer was ambushed at his farm gate, shot in the back and left to die. His vehicle was burnt out and his body displayed with the lights and number plates.
Gregory: “These are clearly hate crimes. It's such a symbolic expression of de-humanisation. They're so treating him like a thing.”
It's often thought that a whole group needs to be killed before it's defined as genocide, but that's not the case.
Stanton says the more than one thousand four hundred farmers killed in South Africa could be classified under the Genocide Convention.
Gregory: “Even if it's a few hundred individuals who have been targeted, that is an act of genocide under the convention.”
However, Stanton warns that South Africa has already slipped into the fifth stage of the process, or what he refers to as polarisation.
Gregory: “Extremists attempt to drive out the centre, they attempt to divide the world into just two camps; into us and them.”
And from there on, he says, it's a small step to the seventh stage when the actual genocide takes place and where the word genocide is used. ]
4. BBC. Wierd Weekends with Louis Theroux.
5. Famous Boer Scout Danie Theron.
Quote: [ On 6th March 2002, former President Nelson Mandela unveiled the new Danie Theron Monument near the Union Building in Pretoria. It was one of the very rare occassions were Mr. Mandela spoke Afrikaans in public. In his speech the former President valued the fighting spirit of Danie Theron, his honesty, bravery and his determination to do the right thing for his nation and his believes. Nelson Mandela said that the modern South Africa needs more Danie Therons in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead. ]
Note: Theron is a French surname. This is not "ideology" you ignorant. This & the non-Dutch origins of the most of the White Afrikaans speaking populations is a cold hard fact.
Post Script. This post was posted last night but was removed for some reason & was not explained. I do not mind disagreement. I do not tolerate censorship.
Well Anon: 0:03. This claim is impossible to verify as the page in question now no longer exists. Though you only claim that she made an "inane joking comment" after OTHERS posted distasteful comments. To claim that this now makes her a racist is stretching it though. Furthermore: Stuijt is NO LONGER with the SAS blog as she objected to its racist ape imagery & was later kicked off of the team stemming from this dispute. Some SAS commentators have accused her of being "a communist" (reminiscent of African Crisis' Lone Wolf's ridiculous accusations) -despite her defense of Capitalism. Stuijt is constantly attacked on all sides as neither understands her. Stuijt is a journalist first & foremost & sticks up for the underdog which offends those who have a political agenda such as those on the extreme ends of the contrived political spectrum -as the false left / right paradigm is a major tool of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Greg: The denial of genocide is of course now a crime in the West. Just ask Ernst Zundel / Germar Rudolph & David Irving (now freed) & others who now rot in prison for making the exact same sort of assertion that you made in your earlier post.
To accuse Gregory Stanton of having a "bias" because he is White illustrates the incredible ignorance you have as he only got started as a campaigner against genocide after witnessing the horrors of the Cambodian genocide. [1] Oops I mean "allegation". No thug: you are not throwing out possibilities: you are throwing out defamatory ALLEGATIONS against a person you have done NO RESEARCH on in the hope of manufacturing a calumnious image out of a concerned man who has spent his LIFE fighting against genocide. But because he has called the genocide against the Boers a genocide & because the Boers are often perceived as "a White people": you then think that you can set about disparaging the character of this noble crusader against genocide by impugning that the colour of his skin biases him in favour of a people who are WELL KNOWN to have numerous members who have a darker hue. Get educated before making calumnious accusations against those who know nothing about.
The killers are NEVER punished to the "full extent of the law" or otherwise. This is the crux of the problem. This issue of the growing genocide against the Boers - particularly its farmers - was covered by none other than the well known CBS program 60 Minutes back in January of 1999 & was rerun again in July of 1999. The late Ed Bradley interviewed a one Mr. Marais (another surname of French origin) among others. This is a program available in & FROM your backyard. Therefore I am not buying in the least your feigned ignorance on the matter as your fellow compatriots have been made aware of this growing genocide for close to a decade now.
Let's see if I got this straight. So in your bigoted mind the fact that the genocide "is stretched out" makes it less a genocide? What difference does it make? The fact that this genocide has been dragged out over a 17 year period (the genocide started in 1991) makes it ALL THE MORE ALARMING that it has not yet been adequately dealt with. The Rwandan genocide was an EXTREME example. Few genocides are ever that blatant.
White people do not "disproportionately own the land". This is the vicious hate propaganda put out there by the media. The White Afrikaans speaking peoples own less then 6 % -that's less than SIX percent of the total South African land mass. The vast majority of the land is owned by the State. Therefore: any erroneous accusations that White people (which is never defined) own "most of the land" is a bold faced lie! Though: unless of course you are talking about the true owners of South Africa who are located in the City of London financial district.
1. Carte Blanche excerpt on farm killings. Gregory Stanton at: 4:11. Witnessing of Cambodian genocide at: 5:11.
Just keep being in denial if you wish but that is your delusion as the rest of us are aware of the facts concerning this topic.
This is some bizarre business concerning this blog as posts are often delayed in getting posted.
Well Anon: 0:03. This claim is impossible to verify as the page in question now no longer exists. Though you only claim that she made an "inane joking comment" after OTHERS posted distasteful comments. To claim that this now makes her a racist is stretching it though. Furthermore: Stuijt is NO LONGER with the SAS blog as she objected to its racist ape imagery & was later kicked off of the team stemming from this dispute. Some SAS commentators have accused her of being "a communist" (reminiscent of African Crisis' Lone Wolf's ridiculous accusations) -despite her defense of Capitalism. Stuijt is constantly attacked on all sides as neither understands her. Stuijt is a journalist first & foremost & sticks up for the underdog which offends those who have a political agenda such as those on the extreme ends of the contrived political spectrum -as the false left / right paradigm is a major tool of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Greg: The denial of genocide is of course now a crime in the West. Just ask Ernst Zundel / Germar Rudolph & David Irving (now freed) & others who now rot in prison for making the exact same sort of assertion that you made in your earlier post.
To accuse Gregory Stanton of having a "bias" because he is White illustrates the incredible ignorance you have as he only got started as a campaigner against genocide after witnessing the horrors of the Cambodian genocide. [1] Oops I mean "allegation". No thug: you are not throwing out possibilities: you are throwing out defamatory ALLEGATIONS against a person you have done NO RESEARCH on in the hope of manufacturing a calumnious image out of a concerned man who has spent his LIFE fighting against genocide. But because he has called the genocide against the Boers a genocide & because the Boers are often perceived as "a White people": you then think that you can set about disparaging the character of this noble crusader against genocide by impugning that the colour of his skin biases him in favour of a people who are WELL KNOWN to have numerous members who have a darker hue. Get educated before making calumnious accusations against those who know nothing about.
The killers are NEVER punished to the "full extent of the law" or otherwise. This is the crux of the problem. This issue of the growing genocide against the Boers - particularly its farmers - was covered by none other than the well known CBS program 60 Minutes back in January of 1999 & was rerun again in July of 1999. The late Ed Bradley interviewed a one Mr. Marais (another surname of French origin) among others. This is a program available in & FROM your backyard. Therefore I am not buying in the least your feigned ignorance on the matter as your fellow compatriots have been made aware of this growing genocide for close to a decade now.
Let's see if I got this straight. So in your bigoted mind the fact that the genocide "is stretched out" makes it less a genocide? What difference does it make? The fact that this genocide has been dragged out over a 17 year period (the genocide started in 1991) makes it ALL THE MORE ALARMING that it has not yet been adequately dealt with. The Rwandan genocide was an EXTREME example. Few genocides are ever that blatant.
White people do not "disproportionately own the land". This is the vicious hate propaganda put out there by the media. The White Afrikaans speaking peoples own less then 6 % -that's less than SIX percent of the total South African land mass. The vast majority of the land is owned by the State. Therefore: any erroneous accusations that White people (which is never defined) own "most of the land" is a bold faced lie! Though: unless of course you are talking about the true owners of South Africa who are located in the City of London financial district.
1. Carte Blanche excerpt on farm killings. Gregory Stanton at: 4:11. Witnessing of Cambodian genocide at: 5:11.
Just keep being in denial if you wish but that is your delusion as the rest of us are aware of the facts concerning this topic.
Well Anon: 0:03. This claim is impossible to verify as the page in question now no longer exists. Though you only claim that she made an "inane joking comment" after OTHERS posted distasteful comments. To claim that this now makes her a racist is stretching it though. Furthermore: Stuijt is NO LONGER with the SAS blog as she objected to its racist ape imagery & was later kicked off of the team stemming from this dispute. Some SAS commentators have accused her of being "a communist" (reminiscent of African Crisis' Lone Wolf's ridiculous accusations) -despite her defense of Capitalism. Stuijt is constantly attacked on all sides as neither understands her. Stuijt is a journalist first & foremost & sticks up for the underdog which offends those who have a political agenda such as those on the extreme ends of the contrived political spectrum -as the false left / right paradigm is a major tool of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Greg: The denial of genocide is of course now a crime in the West. Just ask Ernst Zundel / Germar Rudolph & David Irving (now freed) & others who now rot in prison for making the exact same sort of assertion that you made in your earlier post.
To accuse Gregory Stanton of having a "bias" because he is White illustrates the incredible ignorance you have as he only got started as a campaigner against genocide after witnessing the horrors of the Cambodian genocide. [1] Oops I mean "allegation". No thug: you are not throwing out possibilities: you are throwing out defamatory ALLEGATIONS against a person you have done NO RESEARCH on in the hope of manufacturing a calumnious image out of a concerned man who has spent his LIFE fighting against genocide. But because he has called the genocide against the Boers a genocide & because the Boers are often perceived as "a White people": you then think that you can set about disparaging the character of this noble crusader against genocide by impugning that the colour of his skin biases him in favour of a people who are WELL KNOWN to have numerous members who have a darker hue. Get educated before making calumnious accusations against those who know nothing about.
The killers are NEVER punished to the "full extent of the law" or otherwise. This is the crux of the problem. This issue of the growing genocide against the Boers - particularly its farmers - was covered by none other than the well known CBS program 60 Minutes back in January of 1999 & was rerun again in July of 1999. The late Ed Bradley interviewed a one Mr. Marais (another surname of French origin) among others. This is a program available in & FROM your backyard. Therefore I am not buying in the least your feigned ignorance on the matter as your fellow compatriots have been made aware of this growing genocide for close to a decade now.
Let's see if I got this straight. So in your bigoted mind the fact that the genocide "is stretched out" makes it less a genocide? What difference does it make? The fact that this genocide has been dragged out over a 17 year period (the genocide started in 1991) makes it ALL THE MORE ALARMING that it has not yet been adequately dealt with. The Rwandan genocide was an EXTREME example. Few genocides are ever that blatant.
White people do not "disproportionately own the land". This is the vicious hate propaganda put out there by the media. The White Afrikaans speaking peoples own less then 6 % -that's less than SIX percent of the total South African land mass. The vast majority of the land is owned by the State. Therefore: any erroneous accusations that White people (which is never defined) own "most of the land" is a bold faced lie! Though: unless of course you are talking about the true owners of South Africa who are located in the City of London financial district.
1. Carte Blanche excerpt on farm killings. Gregory Stanton at: 4:11. Witnessing of Cambodian genocide at: 5:11.
Just keep being in denial if you wish but that is your delusion as the rest of us are aware of the facts concerning this topic.
Well Anon: 0:03. This claim is impossible to verify as the page in question now no longer exists. Though you only claim that she made an "inane joking comment" after OTHERS posted distasteful comments. To claim that this now makes her a racist is stretching it though. Furthermore: Stuijt is NO LONGER with the SAS blog as she objected to its racist ape imagery & was later kicked off of the team stemming from this dispute. Some SAS commentators have accused her of being "a communist" (reminiscent of African Crisis' Lone Wolf's ridiculous accusations) -despite her defense of Capitalism. Stuijt is constantly attacked on all sides as neither understands her. Stuijt is a journalist first & foremost & sticks up for the underdog which offends those who have a political agenda such as those on the extreme ends of the contrived political spectrum -as the false left / right paradigm is a major tool of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Greg: The denial of genocide is of course now a crime in the West. Just ask Ernst Zundel / Germar Rudolph & David Irving (now freed) & others who now rot in prison for making the exact same sort of assertion that you made in your earlier post.
To accuse Gregory Stanton of having a "bias" because he is White illustrates the incredible ignorance you have as he only got started as a campaigner against genocide after witnessing the horrors of the Cambodian genocide. [1] Oops I mean "allegation". No thug: you are not throwing out possibilities: you are throwing out defamatory ALLEGATIONS against a person you have done NO RESEARCH on in the hope of manufacturing a calumnious image out of a concerned man who has spent his LIFE fighting against genocide. But because he has called the genocide against the Boers a genocide & because the Boers are often perceived as "a White people": you then think that you can set about disparaging the character of this noble crusader against genocide by impugning that the colour of his skin biases him in favour of a people who are WELL KNOWN to have numerous members who have a darker hue. Get educated before making calumnious accusations against those who know nothing about.
The killers are NEVER punished to the "full extent of the law" or otherwise. This is the crux of the problem. This issue of the growing genocide against the Boers - particularly its farmers - was covered by none other than the well known CBS program 60 Minutes back in January of 1999 & was rerun again in July of 1999. The late Ed Bradley interviewed a one Mr. Marais (another surname of French origin) among others. This is a program available in & FROM your backyard. Therefore I am not buying in the least your feigned ignorance on the matter as your fellow compatriots have been made aware of this growing genocide for close to a decade now.
Let's see if I got this straight. So in your bigoted mind the fact that the genocide "is stretched out" makes it less a genocide? What difference does it make? The fact that this genocide has been dragged out over a 17 year period (the genocide started in 1991) makes it ALL THE MORE ALARMING that it has not yet been adequately dealt with. The Rwandan genocide was an EXTREME example. Few genocides are ever that blatant.
White people do not "disproportionately own the land". This is the vicious hate propaganda put out there by the media. The White Afrikaans speaking peoples own less then 6 % -that's less than SIX percent of the total South African land mass. The vast majority of the land is owned by the State. Therefore: any erroneous accusations that White people (which is never defined) own "most of the land" is a bold faced lie! Though: unless of course you are talking about the true owners of South Africa who are located in the City of London financial district.
1. Carte Blanche excerpt on farm killings. Gregory Stanton at: 4:11. Witnessing of Cambodian genocide at: 5:11.
Just keep being in denial if you wish but that is your delusion as the rest of us are aware of the facts concerning this topic.
Well Anon: 0:03. This claim is impossible to verify as the page in question now no longer exists. Though you only claim that she made an "inane joking comment" after OTHERS posted distasteful comments. To claim that this now makes her a racist is stretching it though. Furthermore: Stuijt is NO LONGER with the SAS blog as she objected to its racist ape imagery & was later kicked off of the team stemming from this dispute. Some SAS commentators have accused her of being "a communist" (reminiscent of African Crisis' Lone Wolf's ridiculous accusations) -despite her defense of Capitalism. Stuijt is constantly attacked on all sides as neither understands her. Stuijt is a journalist first & foremost & sticks up for the underdog which offends those who have a political agenda such as those on the extreme ends of the contrived political spectrum -as the false left / right paradigm is a major tool of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Greg: The denial of genocide is of course now a crime in the West. Just ask Ernst Zundel / Germar Rudolph & David Irving (now freed) & others who now rot in prison for making the exact same sort of assertion that you made in your earlier post.
To accuse Gregory Stanton of having a "bias" because he is White illustrates the incredible ignorance you have as he only got started as a campaigner against genocide after witnessing the horrors of the Cambodian genocide. [1] Oops I mean "allegation". No thug: you are not throwing out possibilities: you are throwing out defamatory ALLEGATIONS against a person you have done NO RESEARCH on in the hope of manufacturing a calumnious image out of a concerned man who has spent his LIFE fighting against genocide. But because he has called the genocide against the Boers a genocide & because the Boers are often perceived as "a White people": you then think that you can set about disparaging the character of this noble crusader against genocide by impugning that the colour of his skin biases him in favour of a people who are WELL KNOWN to have numerous members who have a darker hue. Get educated before making calumnious accusations against those who know nothing about.
The killers are NEVER punished to the "full extent of the law" or otherwise. This is the crux of the problem. This issue of the growing genocide against the Boers - particularly its farmers - was covered by none other than the well known CBS program 60 Minutes back in January of 1999 & was rerun again in July of 1999. The late Ed Bradley interviewed a one Mr. Marais (another surname of French origin) among others. This is a program available in & FROM your backyard. Therefore I am not buying in the least your feigned ignorance on the matter as your fellow compatriots have been made aware of this growing genocide for close to a decade now.
Let's see if I got this straight. So in your bigoted mind the fact that the genocide "is stretched out" makes it less a genocide? What difference does it make? The fact that this genocide has been dragged out over a 17 year period (the genocide started in 1991) makes it ALL THE MORE ALARMING that it has not yet been adequately dealt with. The Rwandan genocide was an EXTREME example. Few genocides are ever that blatant.
White people do not "disproportionately own the land". This is the vicious hate propaganda put out there by the media. The White Afrikaans speaking peoples own less then 6 % -that's less than SIX percent of the total South African land mass. The vast majority of the land is owned by the State. Therefore: any erroneous accusations that White people (which is never defined) own "most of the land" is a bold faced lie! Though: unless of course you are talking about the true owners of South Africa who are located in the City of London financial district.
1. Carte Blanche excerpt on farm killings. Gregory Stanton at: 4:11. Witnessing of Cambodian genocide at: 5:11.
Just keep being in denial if you wish but that is your delusion as the rest of us are aware of the facts concerning this topic.
01 August 2008 06:08
You fail to mention that anc policy discriminates against the very people you criticise.
01 August 2008 06:45
You seem to have changed your tune since departing from SA Sucks.
01 August 2008 09:27
You used to talk crap on SA Sucks, now you talk more crap here. You want to tell me to "shut the fuck up" as well or are you too busy demonstrating your apologist pro anc-anti white prejudice ?
So more people have the facility and opportunity to use electricity, pity there is no electricity in the wires. Why is this....ANC incompetence of course but you would not want to say that would you???.
Did you take lessons in how to be patronising or is it just a natural talent you have?
I note the number of comments removed...
Laura @02 August 2008 03:04
"I need to gather some other fast positive facts to throw into the mix when people are sitting around getting negative..."
Yes, that is a very good idea, It always helps to know what you are talking about.
Genocides are ALWAYS 'stretched out' over a long time period. Ignorance of exactly what a genocide is, is at the base of Greg's 'arguments'. Perhaps he should go and enlighten himself by reading the UN's Eight Stages of Genocide and its definition of Genocide. Which were, by the way, drawn up by Dr Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch. Genocide does not just spring up from one day to the next, there's a long drawn out process of hate-speech, laws drawn up against the targetted group to interfere with their ability to survive, the leaders are often seen to open CONDONE hate-speech targetting the minority targetted, there's a slow build-up during which genocidal murders are carried out in certain regions which remain officially unpunished by the regime. The '' all out genocide' event which most people think of as genocide, is only the very FINAL culmination of genocide, the 'final solution' so to speak... people who carry out genocide often speak of their victims as vermin, bugs, non-humans, or people who 'deserve what they got'. The current stream of hate-speech targetting Afrikaners certainly qualifies for this process, as do the huge number of laws which the ANC-regime has made to stop the Afrikaners from surviving in South Africa, such as refusal to the job market, ethnically-cleansing them from the countryside and the smallholdings around towns, refusing to treat them in public hospitals - even leading to their deaths - etc. Then of course there's the official hate-speech one hears constantly on the state-radio and TV-stations against Afrikaners. They are blamed for the growing food shortage, for the joblessness (two Afrikaner girls were raped in PE recently and told it's their fault their rapists were jobless because they are whites...) There's ZUBZ, the rapper who sings "Get Out" against whites, accompanied by the sound of machine gun, a song hugely popular in the townships and all these events are NOT EVER condemned by the ANC-regime.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague has been sent all these dossiers dating back to 1993.Nobody is above the law, not even the ANC-regime's fatcats.
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