You heinous piece of kaffir-shit; I truly hope that you die a painful death. You are a savage animal and deserve to be put down...I'd continue with my insulting tirade if I knew that it would penetrate your houtkop. I just thought I'd let you know that your blog has been flagged a couple of (hundred) times in the past few minutes. Don't you just love Google...
I wonder why Rooster isn't answering my question. Maybe he is trying to figure out a way not to sound racist. Oh yeah. I forgot. There's no such thing as a racist black. Only racist whites.
Rooster - if they shut down your blog because some pieces of human filth like this Martinus flags it, just do what our "buddies" at SAS do and restart another blog.
Why would that be UG? I thought you promoted freedom of speech? Besides, no offense intended, but I am not in the least perturbed. When insolent animals insult my people continually and laugh at our suffering that makes me very angry and I will stick up for them. If you do not feel the same way, then I am the one who is disappointed and disillusioned. As for Rooster, shut the hell up! No one cares about your ludicrous ramblings.
You clearly do as you are here commenting. tut tut tut ...disowned by nazi' would almost be a tragic fall from grace , except it's not possible for anyone to fall any lower....welcome to the depths of possible human failure...
Well I suppose a welcome from a person that is already at those depths can be described as apt. I do not feel the urge to defend myself commenting here; and don't pretend you don't enjoy the attention. That is, after all, why you have this blog (for now). As for UG disowning me ... All I do is read his blog, that is about as much affiliation as there is; on that point I do not understand his reaction, he obviously has not read what you have written about him in your usual challenged way. You use the word NAZI as an insult, do you even know what it means? For someone that uses animal names as their nom de guerre, I can be sure that you don't; but I won't stoop to explaining rudimentary acronyms to someone that has an obvious (somewhat disturbing) obsession with lesser lifeforms.
And to Aquilogy, I never took the time to read your savage grunts but you are incorrect - non-european does not mean kaffir! I for one am aware that I have a Berber ancestor (look it up); it does not bother me in the least as I am a blonde and most definitely caucasian.
Martinus , yes I use the connotation "Nazi" as an insult. If you find this problematic then I suggest you take my previous advice and give yourself a one hard look. You've obviously wandered down a bitter path and it's poisened your fragile little mind. Time maybe to put on the brakes and slow down your hasty descent into hell. Give it a look , you might even find a human being down there somewhere.
Rooster, you give good advice... maybe you should follow it yourself. I find it ironic that you would speak of finding one's humanity when you obviously haven't
Congrats to you all. You have managed to turn this blog into an extension of SA sucks. You all have become your own worst fears... a small community of black and white racists yapping on the internet trying to out-flag each other. How pathetic.
Of course Rooster, I don't know how I could ever have doubted you. Making fun of other people's suffering like the article about the White South African? What was I thinking...I just don't know what to say, must have been me misreading again.
Just in case this does not penetrate, I am being sarcastic (big word, I'm sorry).
As to the fool who goes by the name of Greg ... what on God's Earth gives you the right to participate in any argument involving South Africa or its people? You have lived out your pathetic existance in a first world, white run country where you never had to suffer from anything. You have never gone without; never gone to bed with an empty stomach; never had a friend murdered for his/her cellphone; never been subject to discrimination because of your skin colour; never had your home raided....I could go on. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU? You spend your 'vacation' here and get led around by the nose by a tour-guide once or twice in your sad life and all of a sudden you are an authority? You brazen fuck. You cannot even begin to comprehend the complexities of our respective cultures let alone how we relate to one another yet you have the gall to call us names and pass judgement from your lofty throne in the sky. Fuck you, you dumb-shit. You learn a few selective facts and then propose to tell us how we feel about certain subjects and people in your highly opinionated, mis-informed way? You know-nothing arsehole. Don't respond to me next time, I have no time for absolute fuckheads like yourself with your delusional political ideals and your attempts to enforce people to subscribe to your limited, narrowed, myopic world-view. You will never understand us, so do not even attempt to...your one-sided 'knowledge' about current events in South Africa is not even skimming the surface. In the language of the "oppressor" Jou ma se vet, uitgerekte, bloed poes!
Rooster, How the fuck would you know how I live? If I told you that I was brought up in Danville would it make you feel better? - are you even a South African? this is beginning to make me wonder. For your information, white people have almost always lived good lives (all first world countries are white) but as to white South Africans doing so - don't talk shit! The poor that are on benifits in the UK and Europe live far better than our white middle class does and they are the lower classes. You are so far out of touch with reality, I am truly shocked! I was a victim - yes. I have lost two family members and one friend to wanton black on white crime here in South Africa. How am I supposed to feel? I won't share my background with you, but needless to say, I came from a very poor home. Only because of my own hardwork did I get through a good school on a scholarship and now university too. So please, don't presume anything, especially when you know nothing!
Just thinking about it, I cannot understand how you just make these wild statments and expect people to believe your shit??? Are you on drugs?
Laat ons nou sien of jy eintelik een van ons is...
Martinus - I was not in SA "on vacation." I was there for six months to conduct research and the only reason it was only six months was because of financial limitations. During that time I gained first-hand experience of much of Johannesburg, including several townships (Soweto, Alexandra and Thokoza). I do not claim to be an expert, certainly I would know more if I spent six years there. I have also said on this blog that I would have liked to talk to more Afrikaners and other whites to gain alternative perspectives. Some people at SAS have the wrong idea about me, but I am the type of person who will sit down and talk to just about anyone. The only thing I am not open to is continued total, anti-black racism because I view that as responsible for many of the problems we see today BOTH in SA and US. Some people may ask me, as they used to on SAS, why the double standard when it comes to anti-white racism from blacks? First, because I view that as partly a responsive racism, a hate that hate produced, again applies to both US and SA. Second, I do not see that it is pervasive, again in both societies blacks show a remarkable propensity for forgiveness.
You know this Uhuru Guru is an interesting character. Here is the latest porn he participated in.
The image may change so be sure to hit number 1 to save.
Actually he is just like his forefathers who not only enjoyed the subjugation of an entire race did not mind sleeping and procreating with their women to give sporn to a darker complexioned "pure" afrikaner race.
Regarding your losses , while I obviously regret the loss of any life in the world , I don't think it helps you think rationally and objectively. Just as a person who lost loved ones in an elevater might have a pretty distorted view of the dangers of them , you've clearly got a distorted view of the dangers of living in South Africa. However in both cases it's the person whose had the loss who will insist that te others parties have the distorted view.
Fear clouds your mind , and we surely have the right to curb your hyperbole when you present it.I'm sure you feel terrble , but your anger is misplaced. It's very much for your own sake that you need to look at these issues in a sophisticated way , and not a knee jerk vengeful one. The world is a complicated place , and all issues can not be split into a cartesian dualistuc polar world of all or nothing , evil or good , black or white. Behaviour is socially constructed , and if you want to alter it you need to work with the mchanism by adding in behaviour that will produce positive results , not by adding in more hate. No man is an island and the world we share is the result of all the bad or good we put into it.
Firstly, Rooster, I don't believe that you are a South African. And secondly, do you imagine that I would broach a subject without having an intimate knowledge of it, contradicting myself in my tirade against Greg? I have lived in the UK - for four and a half years in fact! Three of those I spent in the poorer areas of Ipswitch, the rest in Leeds-Bradford; so please don't try to tell me anything on that fact. A single mother working part time (16 hours a week) will pay no tax or National Insurance. She will be placed on Child Benefits, get Tax Credits as well as Incapacity Benefit. She will on top of this receive an extra allowance to cover child-care (450 pounds a month) as well as essentials for the baby. These women are the "poor" in the UK and they are the lower class. An ex of mine makes 1400 pounds clear a month with all this - so what you are trying to tell me is that someone who clears at least R22 000 a month is worse off (in a first world country where food and basics are actually cheaper despite thinking otherwise) than a person earning R15 000 in a 3rd world country having to support a family. Is jy gerook? Furthermore, I have lived all over Europe for 5 years and have witnessed similar circumstances amongst the "poor". There goes another of your uninformed arguments.
To top all this ignorance off, you, of all people, try to psycho-analysise me and spout some ripp-off freudian bull-shit about fear? Allow me to present a case study to you - Robert Mugabe (more than likely your hero) was raised by White missionaries; he never suffered or went without yet we all know how he turned out. I have never been attacked by a white man; never robbed by a white person; never lost a friend to a white person - why do you suppose this is? Perhaps because your whole worldly paradigm is bullshit? Or perhaps you are correct...maybe white people in South Africa tend to be more racist that anywhere else because they are 'products of their environment' - an environment where the perpetrators of all evil carry a black skin?
@ Anon 10:00; Having witnessed my command of the english language thus far; can you actually be so fucking stupid that you believe what you wrote?
@ Greg, you time wasting troll - I spent six months in Lisbon, Portugal but I do not have the audacity to claim that I understand their culture, let alone their pet peeves (their hate for the spanish for one). I do not infect their blogs with a personal pathetic opinion about their current events or social issues. Nor do I troll American blogs, even though I have visited the country more than once. On your point about the blacks black former - slave there is still alive; what on earth do they have to forgive? I do not hate the British because they ruthlessly slaughtered my ancestors in a genocidal frenzy that wiped out just under half of our total population in their greedy quest for our gold and diamonds - that was 100 years ago. And if the blacks are so forgiving, why is the black on white crime rate in the States so high? Why can't 24% of all black males (above the age of 18) there not vote due to felonies committed? Your head is so far up your arse if you attempt to compare the States to South Africa. As I said before, you don't understand us, you never will and your opinions are downright foolish and annoying.
1400 pounds a month offers a totally crap quality of life. Add to that the ridiculous house prices and cost of living etc and you can keep it. Compare apples with apples. You can still have a steak and nice bottle of red wine for 100 rand in South Africa.
While there has been inflation in South Africa there have also been massive increases in how much people earn. Maybe 20 000 was a big salary last you remember , but it's really nothing special now AT ALL.
By the way , if you have been out the country 4 years , why can't you just leave it the hell alone ? Take your new home and shut up about our home capiche ? You lost the right to have an opinion about South Africa 4 years ago when you gave up on it. So leave me country alone ok ?
I'm 100% South African. Only an idiot would doubt that.
Well the thing is Martinus, you do not tell us how you spent your time in Lisbon during your 6 months, nor how you spent it in the U.S. Your comment about black Americans just shows your ignorance - you are pointing at some of the symptoms without looking at causes of the disease. Look at program "black in America" that CNN ran, hopefully it is available in UK. A white Princeton University professor found in her research of employment practices that a black man with NO criminal record has same chance of obtaining a job as a white man who DOES have a criminal record. So, discrimination is still pervasive in the U.S. and this obviously drives some blacks into a life of crime, although there are plenty of white criminals as well. As for SA - during my six months I talked to a lot of blacks at churches in Soweto, at other places in Soweto like even little corner stores, even at shebeens in Yeoville where no other whites went to. So I think I do have some insight into black South African perspectives. If you still think that after all that I do not understand SA at all, then we have nothing else to discuss, but you are clearly misguided and even more inflexible than some people on SAS. As for American-themed blocks I, for one, would welcome the insights of people who are not Americans but who have spent some time here.
You fool, I am back in South Africa and have been for a while! That someone I spoke about goes on holiday OVERSEAS 3 times a year (the average there), so how exactly is that a bad quality of life? You can have an instant meal in the UK for 45p yet that same thing will cost you R30 here. As to Steak and wine being R100, only at the shebeen, where the wine is dooswyn and the steak is rat or dog.
I have experienced what white people can do in Europe but it is not my home - an Afrikaner with his home in Europe, bit of a contradiction, wouldn't you say? I have no problem with my country, only the inept, corrupt, negro-nazi axis of evil that is raping it and systematically destroying it. You on the other hand I have a major problem with - I hope you die a painful death at the hands of those kaffirs that you love so much. The world does not need human excrement such as yourself, nor do us white South Africans. Maybe you should consider suicide - that is if you really love this country as much as you say you do - offer yourself up for it, and do us all a massive favour. The only 'person' that would miss you is a fat social misfit by the name of Greg, but he won't really be able to do much about it, losers are rarely able to.
As jy 'n Suid Afrikaner is, eet ek my eie kak! Vuil meid-naaier.
Jy praat kak, jy skryf kak, nou eet jy kak. 'n Kak storie ek sê.
Translation for English speaking people:
"Martinus has just admitted in eloquent and very concise Afrikaans that he is a confused young man that, like so many of his white (mainly Afrikaans) South African country men and women can not compete on the world stage of free competition but also cannot compete on the South African stage as they are no longer guaranteed privileged sheltered work, pensions, free education etc by their ex genocidal white government.
Your taal is completely fucked and means nothing in south african anymore so wear it as a badge of honour if you like but nobody else of any honour does.
Jy raak nou voor op die wa wit man.
(last sentence contained subtleties and was not completely polite for non bastardised dutch (sorry afrikaans) readers.
Luister jou vrot piel , ek is 'n suid afrikaaner . (maar darem nie 'n afrikaaner nie)
Martinus we live probably the best quality of life out of any people on the plane. That's coming from someone whose travelled pretty much the entire world.So shut your silly mouth now muppet.
@ Anon 08:05; if what you say is true, how is it that I was able to live and work overseas? Just an idea; maybe I am actually a professional? - A person with a sought after degree; something that you are obviously not familiar with.
@ Greg; You are correct, I did not tell you what I was doing. To satisfy your curiosity, I'm a Doctor. That is how I got to live and work overseas, I was doing what you Americans call "Pro-bono" work for a certain European Commission in Portugal while still a med-student in the UK. I go to the States for seminars and have been to the "Projects" or whatever you call those black slums in Chicago, my team and I were treated with open hostility and racism, so forgive me if I don't think any better of the kaffirs that you have there. They are all the same. And yes, I do still think that you do not understand South Africa. One of the main things that you do not seem to get is that blacks do not like whites, even less foreigners. They will speak to you and may be friendly, but share their opinions and other personal information? - you can forget it. Your problem is that you are a paternal racist. You believe that you care so much for the blacks but yet you see the South African blacks in the same light as those in America ("I find that blacks are forgiving") when they are most definitely a different kettle of fish; just as we Afrikaners are nothing like you Americans even though we are all white. So you see, you lack a lot of understanding about fundamental issues in South Africa.
@ Rooster; I know your type. You are often found in the Southern Suburbs of the Cape - "English" people who have lost their identity ; who ingratiate themselves with the Coconuts, falling over each other to kiss their black arses so that they may be looked upon kindly when the time comes to re-distribute the wealth stolen from the Afrikaners. You are a pathetic individual.
Oh and we all stand in awe of your vast experience when it comes to all worldly matters. If you say that we have such a high standard of living, you must be right. After all, those people that have experienced otherwise and have proof are only nasty little anti-black racists and can therefore be discounted. Things such as GDP are only inventions of the Global Apartheid Movement, designed to keep the black folk down. Infrastructure and low-crime levels are non-entities. A road network that used to be well maintained and looked after is so much prettier when it shows mother nature's brown earth in gaping holes. A schooling system that used to rival any first world country's is much better when it is dumbed-down, now everybody can go to school and be 'educated', even if it is only to teach them that there are more numbers than just 1, 2 and 3. Inflation is another of those evil white inventions and as such needs to be completely ignored. Armies, navies and National Defense forces are useless and so much the better if they cannot do anything and are riddled with corruption and AIDS. Airport traffic controllers and Pilots must all be black, even if they do not know what they are doing - it is the white man's fault that they left school in Standard 2, he did not make it easy enough for them. And we must all aspire to be as enlightened (corrupt) as the government, they are wonderful "struggle leaders" and deserve every penny that they appropriate from the country - the had to spend so many years in Russia, East Germany and other places in the Eastern-Block, the least we can do is "compensate" them for having to suffer through such exaggerated discomfort in their luxury apartments in Prague, Leningrad, Kiev and Bratislava. But now it is all so much better, an extra 10 million people have running water, even if it is infested with diphtheria and cholera and causing an unimaginably high neonatal death count - at least it is running. Also another 10 million have electricity, it does not matter that they only have it for a couple of hours everyday and that this causes economic breakdown from businesses not able to function - after all, it is just another thing to attribute to the evil white tax payer - he is not paying enough!
Do you get what I am trying to say? This is how you sound. Does it strike you as stupid perhaps?
Thanks for the autobiograpy martinus. We don't need to prove south africa s the best country in the world to prove you silly lot are liars , we just have to prove that it's a good place to lve for middle classed people. And it freaking is a great plce to live for middle classed people. So get over it. Muppet.
Martinus - so what is it I don't understand about black South Africans? How many black South Africans have you talked to beyond a "howzit" or something like that? I never said they are like black Americans, I think based on my limited observations in and around Johannesburg that there is an incredible capacity for forgiveness, similar to black Americans, and a lack of pervasive anti-white hatred, again similar to some black Americans. There are, of course, immense cultural differences, but many like American popular culture, which is heavily influenced by African-American culture. You should know that from your time in US. I do not doubt that some blacks in Chicago projects are hostile to whites, and for good reason, and same goes for some black South Africans. But if you are saying that is how majority is, I disagree I think you are projecting the hostility of a few on to the whole group, stereotyping anotherwors. The notion of white supremacy is what causes the hostility you see in first place, and when blacks point out the notion of supremacy people like you get offended.
Just to answer the first question - "Does this include South African whites?"
If you read the transcript of the full speech (The video is just a snippet. The whole speech is *long*) we are there: "I am formed of the migrants who left Europe to find a new home on our native land. Whatever their own actions, they remain still, part of me." (Perhaps check the transcript for the context. Some of the most beautiful stuff in the speech is not in the short video.)
Martinus, you and your kind deserve every bit of pain and hardship you are getting now becaus of what you did in SA in the past. Every time some stupid boer, dutchman gets killed, raped or harmed, just rember how they did the same to the blacks for so many years. It is just pay back time now and you fuckwits dont like to be on the other end of the stick. I dont feel sorry for you and the so called hard times you and your people are going through. toughen up and get over it.
Koos, fuck off and climb back into your mothers arse.
@ Greg; ignoring everything else, I want to ask you a question. Why is it that you feel that white people need to be guilty? Are you a reformed KKK individual? You seem to have this notion that white people have something that they need to be forgiven for. Your fellow WASPs there don't fall for your crap, so you think you can peddle it to another white population that you feel should have a large amount of guilt. Sorry to bust your bubble, but I am not sorry for anything my ancestors did. We are a great people and carved civilization out of an untamed empty wilderness. As for the supposed injustices of Apartheid; allow me to catagorically state - we were under no obligation to share anything with them! They can count themselves lucky that they had access to any form of education, not that they paid for it or appreciated it. White people are not the parents of the world's lesser peoples!
As to your notion on supremacy - people are not equal! The quicker that this penetrates, the better life will be for you. As a doctor, I can prove this. Other than the fact that blacks and whites are so different from each other physically, mentally etc; we are also different physiologically. There are certain ailments that, if both a black and white person were afflicted, I would prescribe different drugs to combat the symptoms as certain drugs are not as effective on blacks (or indians) as they are on whites and visa-versa. Look-up Dr. James Watson (he's the scientist who unravelled the genetic code) instead of Karl Marx!
Martinus - doctor or not if you truly believe that people are not equal and moreover that apartheid was not that bad, you are hopeless. Everything that apartheid architects built up - that includes both Afrikaner and British-descended whites, they did on the backs, blood, sweat and tears of cheap, black labor whom they forced to work for them through conquering their kingdoms and reducing land available to them to just 13% of SA's land. I suggest a visit to the Apartheid Museum.
Martinus you're just discredited yourselves. The genetic variation between black and white is arbitrary , and only some phenotypical differences caused my melonin in the skin differentiates us. If you're a doctor I'll eat my hat.
Rooster, believe what you want - if your opinion mattered so much, I wouldn't spend all this time insulting you. Phenotypical???
I know you are damaged, but this crap really goes too far. To cut through your bullshit, you are trying to say that we are all the same just look different? Just like all animals are the same, they just look different? I won't waste another second of my life reading your crap. You are a lost case. BTW, have you considered that suicide option yet? I can get hold of some cyanide if you need it.
Martinus , go educate yourself. The idea that "races" differ because of Biology was debunked over 100 years ago and is widely accepted to be a false notion. Our rac has absolutely nothing to do with our behaviour , only our social circumstances.
To Laura. I'm the one that posted the first comment. Kind of funny that 'we' are mentioned, but discriminated against. I had fuckall to do with apartheid. And apartheid never benifitted my grandparents are my parents. And now I'm being discriminated against because I'm white. But hey, at the end of each month, I have to give some of my hard earned money to a corrupt government, which clearly are racists, and hates whites. There I said it. Blacks are racists. Just as racist as whites can be.
Anonymous 06:38 - in what way or ways are you as a white discriminated against? As for your parents not having benefited, I am sorry but the fact it all whites benefited from apartheid whether they wanted or not. How you may ask? First, from the very fact that your parents did not need to carry "passes" in order to move about urban or "white" rural areas while seeking a livelihood. Second, by not being automatically assumed to be criminals. The list is very long. This is not to deny that there were many heroic whites - Beyers Naude, Donald Woods, etc and perhaps your parents were among them. This is merely to say that the system was such that all whites benefited. It seems some whites have a hard time understanding that and not taking it personally, but it seems to me Biko understood this very well in late 1960s. There is undeniably a serious problem with corruption in the government, but is entire government corrupt? I would also disagree with your assertion that they are racist. One of the differences between now and apartheid period that I see is that now corruption comes out in the open, and society deals with it. There is nothing wrong with criticizing your government and holding it to account by the way, but let us try to do so in as honest a way as possible.
You heinous piece of kaffir-shit; I truly hope that you die a painful death. You are a savage animal and deserve to be put down...I'd continue with my insulting tirade if I knew that it would penetrate your houtkop. I just thought I'd let you know that your blog has been flagged a couple of (hundred) times in the past few minutes. Don't you just love Google...
I wonder why Rooster isn't answering my question.
Maybe he is trying to figure out a way not to sound racist. Oh yeah. I forgot. There's no such thing as a racist black. Only racist whites.
What a lot of kak.
We say hate all people except what we see in the shaving mirror in the morning because of our fantastic self asteem.
Sorry Ingrid Denzin for all the kak here.
I agreed with Uncle Cracker untill I thinked it can be my beautiful daughter in the storie.
I asked the white simian UC to leave the blog but be refused because I dont have control anymore.
He says his mane is Mike Smith but you know really the secret his name is Mike Smit (without the "h". He is boer not tambour).
Rooster - if they shut down your blog because some pieces of human filth like this Martinus flags it, just do what our "buddies" at SAS do and restart another blog.
You have become a great disappointment to me - sorry to say.
Martinus , when you start being looked down upon and dissapointing Nazi's , perhaps it's time to reflect upon the direction yur life has taken.
Why would that be UG? I thought you promoted freedom of speech? Besides, no offense intended, but I am not in the least perturbed. When insolent animals insult my people continually and laugh at our suffering that makes me very angry and I will stick up for them. If you do not feel the same way, then I am the one who is disappointed and disillusioned. As for Rooster, shut the hell up! No one cares about your ludicrous ramblings.
You clearly do as you are here commenting. tut tut tut ...disowned by nazi' would almost be a tragic fall from grace , except it's not possible for anyone to fall any lower....welcome to the depths of possible human failure...
Well I suppose a welcome from a person that is already at those depths can be described as apt. I do not feel the urge to defend myself commenting here; and don't pretend you don't enjoy the attention. That is, after all, why you have this blog (for now). As for UG disowning me ... All I do is read his blog, that is about as much affiliation as there is; on that point I do not understand his reaction, he obviously has not read what you have written about him in your usual challenged way. You use the word NAZI as an insult, do you even know what it means? For someone that uses animal names as their nom de guerre, I can be sure that you don't; but I won't stoop to explaining rudimentary acronyms to someone that has an obvious (somewhat disturbing) obsession with lesser lifeforms.
And to Aquilogy, I never took the time to read your savage grunts but you are incorrect - non-european does not mean kaffir! I for one am aware that I have a Berber ancestor (look it up); it does not bother me in the least as I am a blonde and most definitely caucasian.
Martinus , yes I use the connotation "Nazi" as an insult. If you find this problematic then I suggest you take my previous advice and give yourself a one hard look. You've obviously wandered down a bitter path and it's poisened your fragile little mind. Time maybe to put on the brakes and slow down your hasty descent into hell. Give it a look , you might even find a human being down there somewhere.
Rooster, you give good advice... maybe you should follow it yourself. I find it ironic that you would speak of finding one's humanity when you obviously haven't
he he he cANCer... that's a good one!
Congrats to you all. You have managed to turn this blog into an extension of SA sucks. You all have become your own worst fears... a small community of black and white racists yapping on the internet trying to out-flag each other. How pathetic.
Of course Rooster, I don't know how I could ever have doubted you. Making fun of other people's suffering like the article about the White South African? What was I thinking...I just don't know what to say, must have been me misreading again.
Just in case this does not penetrate, I am being sarcastic (big word, I'm sorry).
As to the fool who goes by the name of Greg ... what on God's Earth gives you the right to participate in any argument involving South Africa or its people? You have lived out your pathetic existance in a first world, white run country where you never had to suffer from anything. You have never gone without; never gone to bed with an empty stomach; never had a friend murdered for his/her cellphone; never been subject to discrimination because of your skin colour; never had your home raided....I could go on. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU? You spend your 'vacation' here and get led around by the nose by a tour-guide once or twice in your sad life and all of a sudden you are an authority? You brazen fuck. You cannot even begin to comprehend the complexities of our respective cultures let alone how we relate to one another yet you have the gall to call us names and pass judgement from your lofty throne in the sky. Fuck you, you dumb-shit. You learn a few selective facts and then propose to tell us how we feel about certain subjects and people in your highly opinionated, mis-informed way? You know-nothing arsehole. Don't respond to me next time, I have no time for absolute fuckheads like yourself with your delusional political ideals and your attempts to enforce people to subscribe to your limited, narrowed, myopic world-view. You will never understand us, so do not even attempt to...your one-sided 'knowledge' about current events in South Africa is not even skimming the surface.
In the language of the "oppressor" Jou ma se vet, uitgerekte, bloed poes!
Martinus , as a white south african you live a very high quality , first world style of life. So please drop the "I'm such a victim" act.
By the way you talking about sarcasm but didn't pick up any in my "diary of a white south african" post ?
Rooster, How the fuck would you know how I live? If I told you that I was brought up in Danville would it make you feel better? - are you even a South African? this is beginning to make me wonder. For your information, white people have almost always lived good lives (all first world countries are white) but as to white South Africans doing so - don't talk shit! The poor that are on benifits in the UK and Europe live far better than our white middle class does and they are the lower classes. You are so far out of touch with reality, I am truly shocked! I was a victim - yes. I have lost two family members and one friend to wanton black on white crime here in South Africa. How am I supposed to feel? I won't share my background with you, but needless to say, I came from a very poor home. Only because of my own hardwork did I get through a good school on a scholarship and now university too. So please, don't presume anything, especially when you know nothing!
Just thinking about it, I cannot understand how you just make these wild statments and expect people to believe your shit??? Are you on drugs?
Laat ons nou sien of jy eintelik een van ons is...
Martinus - I was not in SA "on vacation." I was there for six months to conduct research and the only reason it was only six months was because of financial limitations. During that time I gained first-hand experience of much of Johannesburg, including several townships (Soweto, Alexandra and Thokoza). I do not claim to be an expert, certainly I would know more if I spent six years there. I have also said on this blog that I would have liked to talk to more Afrikaners and other whites to gain alternative perspectives. Some people at SAS have the wrong idea about me, but I am the type of person who will sit down and talk to just about anyone. The only thing I am not open to is continued total, anti-black racism because I view that as responsible for many of the problems we see today BOTH in SA and US. Some people may ask me, as they used to on SAS, why the double standard when it comes to anti-white racism from blacks? First, because I view that as partly a responsive racism, a hate that hate produced, again applies to both US and SA. Second, I do not see that it is pervasive, again in both societies blacks show a remarkable propensity for forgiveness.
@ Martinus
You said something important in Afrikaans so I thought I would translate to non afrikaans speakers:
"Laat ons nou sien of jy eintelik een van ons is....
"I hate myself and wish that I was more like you white english speaking guys
You know this Uhuru Guru is an interesting character. Here is the latest porn he participated in.
The image may change so be sure to hit number 1 to save.
Actually he is just like his forefathers who not only enjoyed the subjugation of an entire race did not mind sleeping and procreating with their women to give sporn to a darker complexioned "pure" afrikaner race.
Uhuru Guru On Porn Site
Regarding your losses , while I obviously regret the loss of any life in the world , I don't think it helps you think rationally and objectively. Just as a person who lost loved ones in an elevater might have a pretty distorted view of the dangers of them , you've clearly got a distorted view of the dangers of living in South Africa. However in both cases it's the person whose had the loss who will insist that te others parties have the distorted view.
Fear clouds your mind , and we surely have the right to curb your hyperbole when you present it.I'm sure you feel terrble , but your anger is misplaced. It's very much for your own sake that you need to look at these issues in a sophisticated way , and not a knee jerk vengeful one. The world is a complicated place , and all issues can not be split into a cartesian dualistuc polar world of all or nothing , evil or good , black or white. Behaviour is socially constructed , and if you want to alter it you need to work with the mchanism by adding in behaviour that will produce positive results , not by adding in more hate. No man is an island and the world we share is the result of all the bad or good we put into it.
Firstly, Rooster, I don't believe that you are a South African. And secondly, do you imagine that I would broach a subject without having an intimate knowledge of it, contradicting myself in my tirade against Greg? I have lived in the UK - for four and a half years in fact! Three of those I spent in the poorer areas of Ipswitch, the rest in Leeds-Bradford; so please don't try to tell me anything on that fact. A single mother working part time (16 hours a week) will pay no tax or National Insurance. She will be placed on Child Benefits, get Tax Credits as well as Incapacity Benefit. She will on top of this receive an extra allowance to cover child-care (450 pounds a month) as well as essentials for the baby. These women are the "poor" in the UK and they are the lower class. An ex of mine makes 1400 pounds clear a month with all this - so what you are trying to tell me is that someone who clears at least R22 000 a month is worse off (in a first world country where food and basics are actually cheaper despite thinking otherwise) than a person earning R15 000 in a 3rd world country having to support a family. Is jy gerook? Furthermore, I have lived all over Europe for 5 years and have witnessed similar circumstances amongst the "poor". There goes another of your uninformed arguments.
To top all this ignorance off, you, of all people, try to psycho-analysise me and spout some ripp-off freudian bull-shit about fear? Allow me to present a case study to you - Robert Mugabe (more than likely your hero) was raised by White missionaries; he never suffered or went without yet we all know how he turned out. I have never been attacked by a white man; never robbed by a white person; never lost a friend to a white person - why do you suppose this is? Perhaps because your whole worldly paradigm is bullshit? Or perhaps you are correct...maybe white people in South Africa tend to be more racist that anywhere else because they are 'products of their environment' - an environment where the perpetrators of all evil carry a black skin?
@ Anon 10:00; Having witnessed my command of the english language thus far; can you actually be so fucking stupid that you believe what you wrote?
@ Greg, you time wasting troll - I spent six months in Lisbon, Portugal but I do not have the audacity to claim that I understand their culture, let alone their pet peeves (their hate for the spanish for one). I do not infect their blogs with a personal pathetic opinion about their current events or social issues. Nor do I troll American blogs, even though I have visited the country more than once. On your point about the blacks black former - slave there is still alive; what on earth do they have to forgive? I do not hate the British because they ruthlessly slaughtered my ancestors in a genocidal frenzy that wiped out just under half of our total population in their greedy quest for our gold and diamonds - that was 100 years ago. And if the blacks are so forgiving, why is the black on white crime rate in the States so high? Why can't 24% of all black males (above the age of 18) there not vote due to felonies committed? Your head is so far up your arse if you attempt to compare the States to South Africa. As I said before, you don't understand us, you never will and your opinions are downright foolish and annoying.
1400 pounds a month offers a totally crap quality of life. Add to that the ridiculous house prices and cost of living etc and you can keep it. Compare apples with apples. You can still have a steak and nice bottle of red wine for 100 rand in South Africa.
While there has been inflation in South Africa there have also been massive increases in how much people earn. Maybe 20 000 was a big salary last you remember , but it's really nothing special now AT ALL.
By the way , if you have been out the country 4 years , why can't you just leave it the hell alone ? Take your new home and shut up about our home capiche ? You lost the right to have an opinion about South Africa 4 years ago when you gave up on it. So leave me country alone ok ?
I'm 100% South African. Only an idiot would doubt that.
And you hardly require sophisticated psycho're a satirical, pantominen form of a overblown human stereotype/
Well the thing is Martinus, you do not tell us how you spent your time in Lisbon during your 6 months, nor how you spent it in the U.S. Your comment about black Americans just shows your ignorance - you are pointing at some of the symptoms without looking at causes of the disease. Look at program "black in America" that CNN ran, hopefully it is available in UK. A white Princeton University professor found in her research of employment practices that a black man with NO criminal record has same chance of obtaining a job as a white man who DOES have a criminal record. So, discrimination is still pervasive in the U.S. and this obviously drives some blacks into a life of crime, although there are plenty of white criminals as well. As for SA - during my six months I talked to a lot of blacks at churches in Soweto, at other places in Soweto like even little corner stores, even at shebeens in Yeoville where no other whites went to. So I think I do have some insight into black South African perspectives. If you still think that after all that I do not understand SA at all, then we have nothing else to discuss, but you are clearly misguided and even more inflexible than some people on SAS. As for American-themed blocks I, for one, would welcome the insights of people who are not Americans but who have spent some time here.
You fool, I am back in South Africa and have been for a while! That someone I spoke about goes on holiday OVERSEAS 3 times a year (the average there), so how exactly is that a bad quality of life? You can have an instant meal in the UK for 45p yet that same thing will cost you R30 here. As to Steak and wine being R100, only at the shebeen, where the wine is dooswyn and the steak is rat or dog.
I have experienced what white people can do in Europe but it is not my home - an Afrikaner with his home in Europe, bit of a contradiction, wouldn't you say? I have no problem with my country, only the inept, corrupt, negro-nazi axis of evil that is raping it and systematically destroying it. You on the other hand I have a major problem with - I hope you die a painful death at the hands of those kaffirs that you love so much. The world does not need human excrement such as yourself, nor do us white South Africans. Maybe you should consider suicide - that is if you really love this country as much as you say you do - offer yourself up for it, and do us all a massive favour. The only 'person' that would miss you is a fat social misfit by the name of Greg, but he won't really be able to do much about it, losers are rarely able to.
As jy 'n Suid Afrikaner is, eet ek my eie kak! Vuil meid-naaier.
Probeer om my in my eie taal te antwoord...
Jy praat kak, jy skryf kak, nou eet jy kak. 'n Kak storie ek sê.
Translation for English speaking people:
"Martinus has just admitted in eloquent and very concise Afrikaans that he is a confused young man that, like so many of his white (mainly Afrikaans) South African country men and women can not compete on the world stage of free competition but also cannot compete on the South African stage as they are no longer guaranteed privileged sheltered work, pensions, free education etc by their ex genocidal white government.
Ja, ja martinus my lieve drol,
Your taal is completely fucked and means nothing in south african anymore so wear it as a badge of honour if you like but nobody else of any honour does.
Jy raak nou voor op die wa wit man.
(last sentence contained subtleties and was not completely polite for non bastardised dutch (sorry afrikaans) readers.
Luister jou vrot piel , ek is 'n suid afrikaaner . (maar darem nie 'n afrikaaner nie)
Martinus we live probably the best quality of life out of any people on the plane. That's coming from someone whose travelled pretty much the entire world.So shut your silly mouth now muppet.
@ Anon 08:05; if what you say is true, how is it that I was able to live and work overseas? Just an idea; maybe I am actually a professional? - A person with a sought after degree; something that you are obviously not familiar with.
@ Greg; You are correct, I did not tell you what I was doing. To satisfy your curiosity, I'm a Doctor. That is how I got to live and work overseas, I was doing what you Americans call "Pro-bono" work for a certain European Commission in Portugal while still a med-student in the UK. I go to the States for seminars and have been to the "Projects" or whatever you call those black slums in Chicago, my team and I were treated with open hostility and racism, so forgive me if I don't think any better of the kaffirs that you have there. They are all the same. And yes, I do still think that you do not understand South Africa. One of the main things that you do not seem to get is that blacks do not like whites, even less foreigners. They will speak to you and may be friendly, but share their opinions and other personal information? - you can forget it. Your problem is that you are a paternal racist. You believe that you care so much for the blacks but yet you see the South African blacks in the same light as those in America ("I find that blacks are forgiving") when they are most definitely a different kettle of fish; just as we Afrikaners are nothing like you Americans even though we are all white. So you see, you lack a lot of understanding about fundamental issues in South Africa.
@ Rooster; I know your type. You are often found in the Southern Suburbs of the Cape - "English" people who have lost their identity ; who ingratiate themselves with the Coconuts, falling over each other to kiss their black arses so that they may be looked upon kindly when the time comes to re-distribute the wealth stolen from the Afrikaners. You are a pathetic individual.
Oh and we all stand in awe of your vast experience when it comes to all worldly matters. If you say that we have such a high standard of living, you must be right. After all, those people that have experienced otherwise and have proof are only nasty little anti-black racists and can therefore be discounted. Things such as GDP are only inventions of the Global Apartheid Movement, designed to keep the black folk down. Infrastructure and low-crime levels are non-entities. A road network that used to be well maintained and looked after is so much prettier when it shows mother nature's brown earth in gaping holes. A schooling system that used to rival any first world country's is much better when it is dumbed-down, now everybody can go to school and be 'educated', even if it is only to teach them that there are more numbers than just 1, 2 and 3. Inflation is another of those evil white inventions and as such needs to be completely ignored. Armies, navies and National Defense forces are useless and so much the better if they cannot do anything and are riddled with corruption and AIDS. Airport traffic controllers and Pilots must all be black, even if they do not know what they are doing - it is the white man's fault that they left school in Standard 2, he did not make it easy enough for them. And we must all aspire to be as enlightened (corrupt) as the government, they are wonderful "struggle leaders" and deserve every penny that they appropriate from the country - the had to spend so many years in Russia, East Germany and other places in the Eastern-Block, the least we can do is "compensate" them for having to suffer through such exaggerated discomfort in their luxury apartments in Prague, Leningrad, Kiev and Bratislava. But now it is all so much better, an extra 10 million people have running water, even if it is infested with diphtheria and cholera and causing an unimaginably high neonatal death count - at least it is running. Also another 10 million have electricity, it does not matter that they only have it for a couple of hours everyday and that this causes economic breakdown from businesses not able to function - after all, it is just another thing to attribute to the evil white tax payer - he is not paying enough!
Do you get what I am trying to say? This is how you sound. Does it strike you as stupid perhaps?
(P.S. Its AFRIKANER not Afrikaaner)
Thanks for the autobiograpy martinus. We don't need to prove south africa s the best country in the world to prove you silly lot are liars , we just have to prove that it's a good place to lve for middle classed people. And it freaking is a great plce to live for middle classed people. So get over it. Muppet.
Martinus - so what is it I don't understand about black South Africans? How many black South Africans have you talked to beyond a "howzit" or something like that? I never said they are like black Americans, I think based on my limited observations in and around Johannesburg that there is an incredible capacity for forgiveness, similar to black Americans, and a lack of pervasive anti-white hatred, again similar to some black Americans. There are, of course, immense cultural differences, but many like American popular culture, which is heavily influenced by African-American culture. You should know that from your time in US. I do not doubt that some blacks in Chicago projects are hostile to whites, and for good reason, and same goes for some black South Africans. But if you are saying that is how majority is, I disagree I think you are projecting the hostility of a few on to the whole group, stereotyping anotherwors. The notion of white supremacy is what causes the hostility you see in first place, and when blacks point out the notion of supremacy people like you get offended.
Just to answer the first question - "Does this include South African whites?"
If you read the transcript of the full speech (The video is just a snippet. The whole speech is *long*)
we are there:
"I am formed of the migrants who left Europe to find a new home on our native land. Whatever their own actions, they remain still, part of me."
(Perhaps check the transcript for the context. Some of the most beautiful stuff in the speech is not in the short video.)
Martinus, you and your kind deserve every bit of pain and hardship you are getting now becaus of what you did in SA in the past. Every time some stupid boer, dutchman gets killed, raped or harmed, just rember how they did the same to the blacks for so many years. It is just pay back time now and you fuckwits dont like to be on the other end of the stick. I dont feel sorry for you and the so called hard times you and your people are going through. toughen up and get over it.
Koos, fuck off and climb back into your mothers arse.
@ Greg; ignoring everything else, I want to ask you a question. Why is it that you feel that white people need to be guilty? Are you a reformed KKK individual? You seem to have this notion that white people have something that they need to be forgiven for. Your fellow WASPs there don't fall for your crap, so you think you can peddle it to another white population that you feel should have a large amount of guilt. Sorry to bust your bubble, but I am not sorry for anything my ancestors did. We are a great people and carved civilization out of an untamed empty wilderness. As for the supposed injustices of Apartheid; allow me to catagorically state - we were under no obligation to share anything with them! They can count themselves lucky that they had access to any form of education, not that they paid for it or appreciated it. White people are not the parents of the world's lesser peoples!
As to your notion on supremacy - people are not equal! The quicker that this penetrates, the better life will be for you. As a doctor, I can prove this. Other than the fact that blacks and whites are so different from each other physically, mentally etc; we are also different physiologically. There are certain ailments that, if both a black and white person were afflicted, I would prescribe different drugs to combat the symptoms as certain drugs are not as effective on blacks (or indians) as they are on whites and visa-versa. Look-up Dr. James Watson (he's the scientist who unravelled the genetic code) instead of Karl Marx!
Stand Trial with ZUMA.
That’s why they want to Close Down The Scorpions.
The ANC THIEVES do NOT want to be investigated.
Martinus - doctor or not if you truly believe that people are not equal and moreover that apartheid was not that bad, you are hopeless. Everything that apartheid architects built up - that includes both Afrikaner and British-descended whites, they did on the backs, blood, sweat and tears of cheap, black labor whom they forced to work for them through conquering their kingdoms and reducing land available to them to just 13% of SA's land. I suggest a visit to the Apartheid Museum.
Martinus you're just discredited yourselves. The genetic variation between black and white is arbitrary , and only some phenotypical differences caused my melonin in the skin differentiates us. If you're a doctor I'll eat my hat.
Rooster, believe what you want - if your opinion mattered so much, I wouldn't spend all this time insulting you. Phenotypical???
I know you are damaged, but this crap really goes too far. To cut through your bullshit, you are trying to say that we are all the same just look different? Just like all animals are the same, they just look different? I won't waste another second of my life reading your crap. You are a lost case. BTW, have you considered that suicide option yet? I can get hold of some cyanide if you need it.
The rooster wears a hat... hmmmm very interesting...
Martinus , go educate yourself. The idea that "races" differ because of Biology was debunked over 100 years ago and is widely accepted to be a false notion. Our rac has absolutely nothing to do with our behaviour , only our social circumstances.
To Laura.
I'm the one that posted the first comment.
Kind of funny that 'we' are mentioned, but discriminated against.
I had fuckall to do with apartheid. And apartheid never benifitted my grandparents are my parents. And now I'm being discriminated against because I'm white. But hey, at the end of each month, I have to give some of my hard earned money to a corrupt government, which clearly are racists, and hates whites.
There I said it. Blacks are racists. Just as racist as whites can be.
Anonymous 06:38 - in what way or ways are you as a white discriminated against? As for your parents not having benefited, I am sorry but the fact it all whites benefited from apartheid whether they wanted or not. How you may ask? First, from the very fact that your parents did not need to carry "passes" in order to move about urban or "white" rural areas while seeking a livelihood. Second, by not being automatically assumed to be criminals. The list is very long. This is not to deny that there were many heroic whites - Beyers Naude, Donald Woods, etc and perhaps your parents were among them. This is merely to say that the system was such that all whites benefited. It seems some whites have a hard time understanding that and not taking it personally, but it seems to me Biko understood this very well in late 1960s. There is undeniably a serious problem with corruption in the government, but is entire government corrupt? I would also disagree with your assertion that they are racist. One of the differences between now and apartheid period that I see is that now corruption comes out in the open, and society deals with it. There is nothing wrong with criticizing your government and holding it to account by the way, but let us try to do so in as honest a way as possible.
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