thisis waht sas has to say bout black south african sure maybe blacks do drink abit but i can tell u rooster the whites in aussies drink twice as much
look it up see howmuch aussie kids booze it up
Blacks do not have two beers or glasses of wine like Whites. Their aim is to get as drunk as possible in the shortest possible time in the least expensive way. When a bottle is opened it must be finished. The case of beer is drunk empty. Blacks drink from thursday afternoon until Monday morning around 3 o’clock. They sleep for a few hours and then go to work half pissed.
So in effect, they only work two days of the week, namely Tuesday and Wednesday, but it takes your body about three days to recover from a binge, so those two days they work actually is half done.
In the old days of Apartheid, Shebeens (informal drink houses) were illegal and only a few were operating under the radar. To get a liquor license in those days were very expensive and your property had to conform to strict regulations for toilets, etc and regular inspections were carried out by the Police. When the ANC came to power, they legalized all the Shebeens, so today you find that every second shack in the Black township is a Shebeen. The toilets are behind the shack under the African sky. When Blacks get drunk they start stabbing each other and raping the equally drunk females. Anybody living in or near a Black township will tell you how the sirens (police, ambulance and fire brigade) start blaring on a Friday and stops on Monday morning.
In my opinion, the abuse of alcohol and drugs is the biggest cause of crime in South Africa. Sort out the Shebeens and you solve half of the problem.
Now this from the the :
The link about will direct you to the original artilce.
The number of commercial farmers in South Africa have plummeted from a high of 85,000 in 1994 to 11,600 today.
The new numbers, released by South African farmers union Agri-SA, become even more of a shock given the number was approximately 13,500 a few months back.
he mostly White, Afrikaaner-Boer farmers find themselves increasingly marginalized in a society that views them as “land barons”, a government that looks to expropriate their land, and “war like conditions” which include a corrupt police force. “The increase in armed attacks, robbery and theft of farm products and implements holds serious financial implications for agriculture in our country. This high crime rate is experienced by the industry as economic sabotage,” said Agri-SA spokesman André Botha.
Farmers have been moving to neighboring African countries, whose governments have invited the farmers because of their expertise in producing bountiful crops in the tough African conditions.
In addition to the loss of commercial farmers, more than 1 million black African farm workers have become unemployed and have had to move their families to squatter camps. In total, approximately 5 million people have been displaced.
Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
So guess what?
I've sought out no sympathy but it's not every day I hope someone goes trough the stress and utter hell I've been going through the at 2 months. But you truly do deserve it you callous fuck. Karma brother....don't tempt fate.
last post said No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
to be honest rooster
i think your writing skills are pretty good and i think you can be clever and witty at times
i dont always agree with what you write but i enjoy reading it
cheers china
and come on natal sharks this weekend
Thanks boet. Yup, will be good now that we got us some super 14 again. Except for the poor liver of course. And the Aussies here again of course...I'm writing the next 2 months off.
"Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
So guess what?
I've sought out no sympathy but it's not every day I hope someone goes trough the stress and utter hell I've been going through the at 2 months. But you truly do deserve it you callous fuck. Karma brother....don't tempt fate."
---- Fate doesn't exist. We are mere results of biological evolution. The future hasn't happened yet, so therefore fate doesn't exist.
You're calling me callous? Bwahaha. Dumb hypocrite. Don't make me quote from your various blog posts. You can give it but you can't take it?
Fate doesn't exist. We are mere results of biological evolution. The future hasn't happened yet, so therefore fate doesn't exist.
You're calling me callous? Bwahaha. Dumb hypocrite. Don't make me quote from your various blog posts. You can give it but you can't take it?
Grow up, big boy.
No one is wishing you dead.
I'm just pointing out that you
16 February ---------------
Nope. You fail cosmology 101. The future for all intents and purposes has already happen and is already mapped out. FATE very much does exist...time and free will are illusions due to the anthropormorphic perceptions of man.
Given my current circumstances....two brain surgeries with a high possibility of death...5 different hospitals ....a hell of a lot of shit I've been through , how high on my list of priorities do yu think this blog has been the past 2 months ?
Nope. You fail cosmology 101. The future for all intents and purposes has already happen and is already mapped out. FATE very much does exist...time and free will are illusions due to the anthropormorphic perceptions of man.
Given my current circumstances....two brain surgeries with a high possibility of death...5 different hospitals ....a hell of a lot of shit I've been through , how high on my list of priorities do yu think this blog has been the past 2 months ?
Actually, YOU fail Cosmology 101. The future hasn't happened. Fate doesn't exist.
And don't start with that light-takes-millions-of-years-to-travel crap. Yes it takes ages to get here. But that doesn't mean that the future exists. The past exists, yes. We can see the past - not the future.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
It's that simple.
Just humble yourself and admit it. be a fucking man, dude. Then go use your AIDS-denying conspiracy theorist buddy who believes that magnets heal and go rest and get better, so that we can continue laughing at your horribly written rants and swearing.
Or go gaze into the night sky and find a hidden message written just for you, about your fate, because you are beautiful and worth it.
Actually, YOU fail Cosmology 101. The future hasn't happened. Fate doesn't exist.
And don't start with that light-takes-millions-of-years-to-travel crap. Yes it takes ages to get here. But that doesn't mean that the future exists. The past exists, yes. We can see the past - not the future.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
It's that simple.
Just humble yourself and admit it. be a fucking man, dude. Then go use your AIDS-denying conspiracy theorist buddy who believes that magnets heal and go rest and get better, so that we can continue laughing at your horribly written rants and swearing.
Or go gaze into the night sky and find a hidden message written just for you, about your fate, because you are beautiful and worth it.
Nope. You're 100% wrong. Read some string/m-theory/quantum theory. Time is a dimension much like any does not exist in a linear form other than your perception. There us no future or past , there is even no here no there...just super position. Sorry if you don't know much about this, but you're way out of your league here. Probably less than 1000 people in this enture country can cme to the table and even begin to assume they can speak cosmology with me.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
Go through what I currently am and then come tell me it doesn't matter.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Why bring david Icke into it ? I have denounced such nonsense many times. We're talking physics....catch up.
"Nope. You're 100% wrong. Read some string/m-theory/quantum theory. Time is a dimension much like any does not exist in a linear form other than your perception. There us no future or past , there is even no here no there...just super position. Sorry if you don't know much about this, but you're way out of your league here. Probably less than 1000 people in this enture country can cme to the table and even begin to assume they can speak cosmology with me."
Whatever. I'm not going to argue hippie bullshit with you. You're wrong and nothing you can say will change the scientific facts. You're assuming I don't know anything about string theory. What a laugh.
But you've had life-changing illness issues, so it follows that you're feeling all philosophical and crap. Move to Knysna and go hug a tree. You'll love it there.
Dude, you're a nutcase. No wonder you're not taken seriously. At least you're entertaining.
Oh, and your blog HAS failed your predictions. LOLZ!!111!
Whatever. I'm not going to argue hippie bullshit with you. You're wrong and nothing you can say will change the scientific facts. You're assuming I don't know anything about string theory. What a laugh.
But you've had life-changing illness issues, so it follows that you're feeling all philosophical and crap. Move to Knysna and go hug a tree. You'll love it there.
Dude, you're a nutcase. No wonder you're not taken seriously. At least you're entertaining.
Oh, and your blog HAS failed your predictions. LOLZ!!111! ------------------
LOLZ are you 16 ?
Hippie bullshit ? It's an inherent premise of the entire theory of physics ! That you don't know this is laughable that you'd even degin a debate on cosmology.
Christ this perception that any one anti the moaners is some left wing hippie is tiresome. I'm a man of rationality and no life threatening situation ever changed that. I've had no whismical ponderings and fluffy delusions to help me cope....jst plain existential nihilistic terrible hell the likes I'd never wish on anyone.
You clearly struggle to discern when you're the one is the brunt of the joke.
Don't say you'll never wish your crap on anyone. You might already have. Because fate exists and the future has already happened and we have no free will and everything's an illusion and we aren't really here because reality is subjective and you're in the elite top 1000 South Africans who truly understands string theory and drugs are awesome.
so rooster how did u find out
bout this guy bill hicks i havent heard of him ?
Through a friend. Youtube guy , died young from cancer , it's a shame cause he'd have had a lot to say about life today.
ja death sneaks up upon you
you never know when its your time to go
hey rooster my china
u seem like a cricket fan
can we bliksem the aussies when they come to sa ?
south africans need to stand toghter
a kingdom divided agaisnt its self cannont stand
as i see some of your bloggers are at each other
thisis waht sas has to say bout black south african sure maybe blacks do drink abit but i can tell u rooster the whites in aussies drink twice as much
look it up see howmuch aussie kids booze it up
Blacks do not have two beers or glasses of wine like Whites. Their aim is to get as drunk as possible in the shortest possible time in the least expensive way. When a bottle is opened it must be finished. The case of beer is drunk empty. Blacks drink from thursday afternoon until Monday morning around 3 o’clock. They sleep for a few hours and then go to work half pissed.
So in effect, they only work two days of the week, namely Tuesday and Wednesday, but it takes your body about three days to recover from a binge, so those two days they work actually is half done.
In the old days of Apartheid, Shebeens (informal drink houses) were illegal and only a few were operating under the radar. To get a liquor license in those days were very expensive and your property had to conform to strict regulations for toilets, etc and regular inspections were carried out by the Police. When the ANC came to power, they legalized all the Shebeens, so today you find that every second shack in the Black township is a Shebeen. The toilets are behind the shack under the African sky. When Blacks get drunk they start stabbing each other and raping the equally drunk females. Anybody living in or near a Black township will tell you how the sirens (police, ambulance and fire brigade) start blaring on a Friday and stops on Monday morning.
In my opinion, the abuse of alcohol and drugs is the biggest cause of crime in South Africa. Sort out the Shebeens and you solve half of the problem.
hey rooster my china
u seem like a cricket fan
can we bliksem the aussies when they come to sa ?
You know it boet ! (And yes, I'm a big cricket fan)
ja death sneaks up upon you
you never know when its your time to go
Tell me about it brother...they just found a fist of tangled up veins in my head the size of a fist.
Now this from the the :
The link about will direct you to the original artilce.
The number of commercial farmers in South Africa have plummeted from a high of 85,000 in 1994 to 11,600 today.
The new numbers, released by South African farmers union Agri-SA, become even more of a shock given the number was approximately 13,500 a few months back.
he mostly White, Afrikaaner-Boer farmers find themselves increasingly marginalized in a society that views them as “land barons”, a government that looks to expropriate their land, and “war like conditions” which include a corrupt police force. “The increase in armed attacks, robbery and theft of farm products and implements holds serious financial implications for agriculture in our country. This high crime rate is experienced by the industry as economic sabotage,” said Agri-SA spokesman André Botha.
Farmers have been moving to neighboring African countries, whose governments have invited the farmers because of their expertise in producing bountiful crops in the tough African conditions.
In addition to the loss of commercial farmers, more than 1 million black African farm workers have become unemployed and have had to move their families to squatter camps. In total, approximately 5 million people have been displaced.
Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
So guess what?
Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
So guess what?
I've sought out no sympathy but it's not every day I hope someone goes trough the stress and utter hell I've been going through the at 2 months. But you truly do deserve it you callous fuck. Karma brother....don't tempt fate.
*last two months
last post said
No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
to be honest rooster
i think your writing skills are pretty good and i think you can be clever and witty at times
i dont always agree with what you write but i enjoy reading it
cheers china
and come on natal sharks this weekend
last post said
No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
to be honest rooster
i think your writing skills are pretty good and i think you can be clever and witty at times
i dont always agree with what you write but i enjoy reading it
cheers china
and come on natal sharks this weekend
Thanks boet. Yup, will be good now that we got us some super 14 again. Except for the poor liver of course. And the Aussies here again of course...I'm writing the next 2 months off.
"Hey Rooster, 3 months ago you said that this site was going to take the South African blogging world by storm.
3 months later, your forum is a flop, and your ranking is the lowest it's been since you started. No one takes you seriously, and you have the writing skills of a toddler.
I suppose you're going to shift the blame onto being ill or whatever. But that won't work.
So guess what?
I've sought out no sympathy but it's not every day I hope someone goes trough the stress and utter hell I've been going through the at 2 months. But you truly do deserve it you callous fuck. Karma brother....don't tempt fate."
Fate doesn't exist. We are mere results of biological evolution. The future hasn't happened yet, so therefore fate doesn't exist.
You're calling me callous? Bwahaha. Dumb hypocrite. Don't make me quote from your various blog posts. You can give it but you can't take it?
Grow up, big boy.
No one is wishing you dead.
I'm just pointing out that you
Fate doesn't exist. We are mere results of biological evolution. The future hasn't happened yet, so therefore fate doesn't exist.
You're calling me callous? Bwahaha. Dumb hypocrite. Don't make me quote from your various blog posts. You can give it but you can't take it?
Grow up, big boy.
No one is wishing you dead.
I'm just pointing out that you
16 February
Nope. You fail cosmology 101. The future for all intents and purposes has already happen and is already mapped out. FATE very much does exist...time and free will are illusions due to the anthropormorphic perceptions of man.
Given my current circumstances....two brain surgeries with a high possibility of death...5 different hospitals ....a hell of a lot of shit I've been through , how high on my list of priorities do yu think this blog has been the past 2 months ?
Nope. You fail cosmology 101. The future for all intents and purposes has already happen and is already mapped out. FATE very much does exist...time and free will are illusions due to the anthropormorphic perceptions of man.
Given my current circumstances....two brain surgeries with a high possibility of death...5 different hospitals ....a hell of a lot of shit I've been through , how high on my list of priorities do yu think this blog has been the past 2 months ?
Actually, YOU fail Cosmology 101. The future hasn't happened. Fate doesn't exist.
And don't start with that light-takes-millions-of-years-to-travel crap. Yes it takes ages to get here. But that doesn't mean that the future exists. The past exists, yes. We can see the past - not the future.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
It's that simple.
Just humble yourself and admit it. be a fucking man, dude. Then go use your AIDS-denying conspiracy theorist buddy who believes that magnets heal and go rest and get better, so that we can continue laughing at your horribly written rants and swearing.
Or go gaze into the night sky and find a hidden message written just for you, about your fate, because you are beautiful and worth it.
Actually, YOU fail Cosmology 101. The future hasn't happened. Fate doesn't exist.
And don't start with that light-takes-millions-of-years-to-travel crap. Yes it takes ages to get here. But that doesn't mean that the future exists. The past exists, yes. We can see the past - not the future.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
It's that simple.
Just humble yourself and admit it. be a fucking man, dude. Then go use your AIDS-denying conspiracy theorist buddy who believes that magnets heal and go rest and get better, so that we can continue laughing at your horribly written rants and swearing.
Or go gaze into the night sky and find a hidden message written just for you, about your fate, because you are beautiful and worth it.
Nope. You're 100% wrong. Read some string/m-theory/quantum theory. Time is a dimension much like any does not exist in a linear form other than your perception. There us no future or past , there is even no here no there...just super position. Sorry if you don't know much about this, but you're way out of your league here. Probably less than 1000 people in this enture country can cme to the table and even begin to assume they can speak cosmology with me.
Your current illness circumstances are besides the point. Your arrogant predictions about your blog FAILED miserably, and nothing you say can change that. You simply can't prove me wrong, and to deny it will require evidence, which, of course, you can't provide.
Go through what I currently am and then come tell me it doesn't matter.
But when you start with that David Icke it's-all-an-illusion unsubstantiated unscientific conspiracy theory bullshit, then your credibility as ANY kind of intelligent being hits the mud like criminal charges against Zuma.
Why bring david Icke into it ? I have denounced such nonsense many times. We're talking physics....catch up.
"Nope. You're 100% wrong. Read some string/m-theory/quantum theory. Time is a dimension much like any does not exist in a linear form other than your perception. There us no future or past , there is even no here no there...just super position. Sorry if you don't know much about this, but you're way out of your league here. Probably less than 1000 people in this enture country can cme to the table and even begin to assume they can speak cosmology with me."
Whatever. I'm not going to argue hippie bullshit with you. You're wrong and nothing you can say will change the scientific facts. You're assuming I don't know anything about string theory. What a laugh.
But you've had life-changing illness issues, so it follows that you're feeling all philosophical and crap. Move to Knysna and go hug a tree. You'll love it there.
Dude, you're a nutcase. No wonder you're not taken seriously. At least you're entertaining.
Oh, and your blog HAS failed your predictions. LOLZ!!111!
Whatever. I'm not going to argue hippie bullshit with you. You're wrong and nothing you can say will change the scientific facts. You're assuming I don't know anything about string theory. What a laugh.
But you've had life-changing illness issues, so it follows that you're feeling all philosophical and crap. Move to Knysna and go hug a tree. You'll love it there.
Dude, you're a nutcase. No wonder you're not taken seriously. At least you're entertaining.
Oh, and your blog HAS failed your predictions. LOLZ!!111!
LOLZ are you 16 ?
Hippie bullshit ? It's an inherent premise of the entire theory of physics ! That you don't know this is laughable that you'd even degin a debate on cosmology.
Christ this perception that any one anti the moaners is some left wing hippie is tiresome. I'm a man of rationality and no life threatening situation ever changed that. I've had no whismical ponderings and fluffy delusions to help me cope....jst plain existential nihilistic terrible hell the likes I'd never wish on anyone.
You clearly struggle to discern when you're the one is the brunt of the joke.
Don't say you'll never wish your crap on anyone. You might already have. Because fate exists and the future has already happened and we have no free will and everything's an illusion and we aren't really here because reality is subjective and you're in the elite top 1000 South Africans who truly understands string theory and drugs are awesome.
what the hell are you okes on about ?
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