I apologise for my effort to brilliantly disguise my ability to use photoshop. Just to validate my assertion that the type of people who involve themselves in the negative bashing of South Africa , and the type of people that spew hate on this site , are more often than not bitter South Afican expats. I brought up a map of my daily visitors , which pretty much looks similar every day. Typically you find either the site attracts South African expats , and some foriegn visitors.
I think you will find most South Africans are far too busy enjoying their lives to involve themselves with dealing with these idiots typified by the South Africa sucks websites and the likes. The point being you actually have to search quite hard to even find South Africans even aware this type of misinformation is out there on the web and I'm sure if more are made aware they be quick to rubbish such sites.
So next time you come across the websites of the gall bladder wankers , be more than a little skeptical.
No visitors from Siberia? Yeesh that sucks.
Certainly anon at 2 : 23 , someon is upset. Seems a little it more like you than me though buddy.
wooh! Anonymous (05 August 2008 02:33)... someone needs some anger management. Rooster, it looks like you just pissed off your only visitor from Siberia.
P.S. I don't like the new background.
Ha ha ha.
I'm trying out various new looks .....I'll get it right eventually.
Gee, I wonder what the xenophobe attacks in South Africa were about, must be happy South Africans killing each other, just a normal day or so for your average animal South African and for foreign readers to enjoy as well!!
Yes and as expats are really enjoying a stress less life of no murder, hijacking, rape,robbery pretty renown all over the world as most foreign readers have seen and heard
Xenohobia attacks and violence happened n South Afica. The response from the average South African was fantastic. If you were interested in a closer look you will see that the attacks were grossly rebuked and many people got involved in helping those affected.
The chance of you experiencing violence as a middle classed South African are technically slightly higher , but not y any significant amount , from those of middle classed people living in the states. In fact they are lower in many cases (about 8 in 100 000 versus around 30 per 100 000 in detriot and 32 in washington for example).
Do you think there will be a coup d'etat in South Africa ??
No. The power in this country is in the hands of the wealthy. There will always be noise from the radical left in africa , but fortunately I don't think black South Africa is interested in proving the racist whites right. Eery time you write negative cr@p lie you do about how South Africa will fail, you make people more determined to prove you wrong. The truth is that South Africa is thriving economically and socially compared to any single time in it's past.
There was always violence in South Africa , it was just underported by the apartheid government and their stalinlist type propoganda. The only different today is the incorrect perception that it's increased when in fact it's decreased 20% since 1994 while the sensationalistic reporting of it has grossly increased.
That's idiotic. There's nothing natural about it. Crime happens in the poorest regions where people in their everyday lives commit crime or starve. Given the choice nobody in the world with something to lose engages in violent behaviour. A big par of it is related to alcohol (a huge part of south african violence happens at shebeens) and people having grown up under poor social conditions. It's totally stupid an wrong to think skin color has anything to do with it.
"There was always violence in South Africa , it was just underported by the apartheid government and their stalinlist type propoganda. The only different today is the incorrect perception that it's increased when in fact it's decreased 20% since 1994 while the sensationalistic reporting of it has grossly increased."
But I was always under the impression that the violence during the apartheid years was well reported, I mean the international press saw what was going on there and broadcast it to the rest of the world, that is why Mandela came into power with the ANC in 1994.
And to get rid of the whites and white power the ANC had to crank up the violence against whites, from 1994 in order to get rid of the white people in order to destroy their financial grip on South Africa. That would be the sensible thing to do in order for your hold to get stronger, reverse apartheid to strengthen black power.
"That's idiotic. There's nothing natural about it. Crime happens in the poorest regions where people in their everyday lives commit crime or starve. Given the choice nobody in the world with something to lose engages in violent behaviour. A big par of it is related to alcohol (a huge part of south african violence happens at shebeens) and people having grown up under poor social conditions. It's totally stupid an wrong to think skin color has anything to do with it."
I have been to some poor countries in the world and yes some of them are violent but a lot of them are pretty happy the way they are and will not try and kill you for your wallet and maybe skin color does not play a roll in but then on the other hand mentality does as well and not being happy with yourself.
Instead of sitting in a shebeen and drowning your sorrows and murdering, raping your buddy, why can you not do something to make the world a better place ?? Stop feeling sorry for yourself!!
If you truly believe the ANC supports the "kill a farmer" rhetoric (which comes from the PAC in the 80's by the way and was hyped up by the propoganda machine at that time to validate their policies) then you're actively insane and totally hopeless.
The murders that take place for wallets and the like are a tiny minority o south african murders. Attempted robbery , hijacking and home break ins acount for only 500 of our 18000 murders. Most of our murders are knife/gun fights for interpersonal disputes and the likes. It's a huge problem , but it's a very different problem to hat the media makes it out to be.
And yes , generally it might be true that white people are a disporportionately high part of that 500. That's again because they disprportionallt are wealthy. it's a socio-economic issue and nothing to do with race. But I do understand the tendency to feel it's about race. You feel guilty for apartheid. You feel black people should hate you. You're treated black people like dogs you're whole life . Instead they;ve offered you forgiveness. Don't worry , I doubt you'll offer any thanks.
Maybe if they had computers and an internet connection they could tell you. In the meanwhile why don't you hop off to your nearest township and ask them if they are happy about the crime and stop assuming on behalf of them.
You've missed the entire point.
You mean you had a point in all your bulshit? Sorry I was blinded.
Cheeses, what happened to Tom Welling?
Damn, what a waste of a sexy piece of ass. People, I think our real problem is growing old, not race/crime/corruption in SA.
The xenophobic attacks were a terrible thing, but they relate to the poorest of poor competing with each other. When that happened I called a black South African friend of mine who works for a major newspaper in Johannesburg's Rosebank. He told me in suburbs like Rosebank, Randburg, etc. one did not feel the xenophobic attacks at all, it only affected some poor townships and parts of downtown Johannesburg. The attacks did point to some serious social problems that the government needs to deal with, including the perception that foreigners get special treatment when it comes to obtaining RDP houses. However, from what I gathered these attacks did not affect all parts of SA and not even all the parts of those regions where they took place, so you can not honestly point to that and say - "see, everything is bad in SA."
Shame , all that effort comparing apple with pears wasted because you decided to try and pose as me. Oops...deleted.
Guess that means you have to sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight...
Unless you start to moderate this blog...
Interesting blog. You must then be Kurt Darren - I presume? Mmmmmm? A. Nonny Mouse. Haha Haha!
If I was kurt Darren I've have the deency to strangle myself with khaki socks , or drown myself in klipdrift .
he he he a nony mouse he he
Anyone want the job ? I'll be happy to let someone share the blog space seeing as I really struggle for the time.
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