Here's a wonderful example of the type of scaremongering from my good fascist friends over at http://iluvsa.blogspot.com/ .
Did you know in South Africa that crime is "childsplay" ? I didn't. I just thought our kids were pretty normal kids. However I've been minsinformed. Do you know South African kids regularly play the game "rape me , rape me" where they emulate raping one another ? But that's not all....Do you know that the suburbs are being taken over by a craze where kids run around taking drugs and raping dogs ?
I really don't know where these people get this ridiculous stuff and actually have the gall to matter of factly publish it. Either you white folks are up to some freaky sh!t , or you're just full of it. Anybody had their pets be victims of this craze of animal gang rape at the hands of drugged up 6 year olds lately ? I mean it's one thing to propose that parts of South Africa are a little dangerous at night or whatever , but to take the position than in fact we're a country where when not taking drugs or raping animals , our children emulate raping one another is ....well.....is just too insane for words. I mean come on !
What total freaking bollocks. Who honestly comes up with this Sh!t ? And even more amazing...who actually believes it ? What a bunch of freaking muppets.
Those bloggers are crazy I usually visit them to have a laugh at their Ignorance.
PS: I really can't get over the title of your blog man, whitey is a racial slur why are you using it(Assuming you are not black)
It's to mirror their racism. To throw it back in their faces and make them think. (And don't assume too much).
Yes..they are bat shit crazy , but sadly some people come across their blog and this is the information they get about our country.
My guess is Rooster uses it because irritates the hell out of the SAS racist bloggers, or so we think at least. I am white and I do not take offense. But then I am the
type of person who would defend AZAPO and also the right of Zubz to put out his "get out" song. Just because the Freedom Front claimed it is a racist song does not make it so.
First of all you folks are either ignorant or are covering up the truth as this story has long since broken all over the mainstream press.
Traumatized South African children play 'rape me' games.
Chris McGreal in Johannesburg
The Guardian,
Thursday March 13 2008
South African schoolchildren are so affected by crime that they play games of "rape me, rape me" and mimic robberies in the playground, according to the country's human rights commission. In a report on school violence published yesterday, the commission said schools were the "single most common" site of crimes against children, such as robbery and assault, including rampant sexual violence, some of it by teachers.
The commission said it had identified a number of games pupils played in response to the violence, including one in which they pretended to rape each other. "This game demonstrates the extent and level ... brutalisation of the youth has reached, and how endemic sexual violence has become in South Africa," it said.
The report said that a fifth of all sexual assaults on young people occurred at school. A survey of 1,227 female students who were victims of sexual assault found that nearly 9% of them had been attacked by teachers.
The commission also found that some boys committed what they called "corrective rape" on lesbians, justifying the assault by claiming that it would make the victims heterosexual. "There is a growing phenomenon of corrective rape. This refers to an instance where a male learner rapes a lesbian female learner in the belief that after such a sexual attack the learner will no longer be lesbian," the report said.
A separate study by the Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Programme found that a quarter of secondary school students said that forced sexual intercourse did not necessarily constitute rape.
The human rights commission report said that more than 40% of the young people it interviewed had been victims of some form of crime. It recommended that the education department consider introducing metal detectors and fences at schools, after the Red Cross children's hospital in Cape Town said it commonly treated school pupils who had been assaulted with fists, knives, machetes or guns, or who had been raped. ] End of report.
Therefore it is none other than you folks who are ignorant. Furthermore: most of those so called " racist sites" which report the facts about South Africa are in all probability false flag sites aimed at discrediting legitimate criticism of the current regime by wrapping up their editorial comments on the press reports they present with racist invective. I would caution you folks about dismissing the legitimate content of those sites just because some of them include racist invective. Though this site TOO is copying the same racist invective M O but WITHOUT the factual reporting.
Ron , you're taking an isolated incident , as you might find in any society and using it to generalise it to be some intrinsic trend in South African society. The hyperbole and exagerattion involved are absurd.
This sounds better.
Did you know that the suburbs are being taken over by a craze where boer kids run around taking drugs and raping dogs because their fathers molested them when they were young?
Hey rooster I like your wig... Nice pic. Was it taken in your living room?
First of all it is not an "isolated" incident but a trend. Which is why it found its way in news reports even around the world. Furthermore: I am not the one asserting that it is an "intrinsic" tend - it is the finding of the human rights commission.
To anonymous who told me, rooster and aquilogy off, same to you. Why do you even come on this blog then, you've got your buddies at SAS to talk to. To Koos and others who think that Boers are the problem - I think the problem historically in South Africa and in my home country - US has been white supremacy. In my humble but educated (I think) opinion British-descended whites were no better when it came to racism than Afrikaners. Ultimately, it is not about that but about whether they can drop the white supremacy idea. The problem as I see it is so many white people are wedded to this idea that they can not see any other way, yet when blacks point this out they get offended.
Now as far as the kids playing "rape me" games, I never saw such a thing and used to walk past a lot of kids in downtown Johbg. But even if they do play such games, my question is so what, what does it prove? Kids will be kids, do you know how many white kids in America play "cops and robber" games or "cowboys vs Indians", etc. We even have occasionally kids who take real guns to school and shoot up people, yet no one makes the connection between that and games elementary age kids play on playgrounds.
26 July 2008 09:49
Not more fucking dutchmen in OZ. Why did you not go some where else. There are to many planks here in oz and we dont need more.
Anon 23:57. The Boers did not run South Africa as they were overshadowed by the ascending Afrikaners who -as Theuns Cloete of Boervolk Radio pointed out- downtrodden & STOLE the inheritance of the Boers. Blaming the Boers for how the macro State of South Africa (which was created by the British) was run is like blaming the Scots for how Britain is run. Furthermore the TRUE problem is Statism as the problem with South Africa including numerous other countries is the treat of the growing centralization of power.
It's not a freaking trend. I never heard of or saw such a thing in my life , nor anyone I know. I know you really want to believe South Afica is this kind of place to help validate your racism , but in your heart you know how asurd it is.
Ron. I think you will find that the afrikaaners are not hapless innocents in the whole afair. Typical loser attitude to blame everyone else for your situation. Take responsibility for your own lives and maybe you'll realise how ridiculous your nazi rhetoric is.
Latino-vs.-black violence drives hate crimes in L.A. County to 5-year high
The County Human Relations Commission reports a 28% increase last year, with assaults and vandalism the leading categories.
More "feral" K4 behavi or surfaces. Do White leaders act like this? No.
I'm not making this up. Look, rooster either God or Evolution (I'm sure you like #2) made us different from each other, so stop being a denier.
Ha ha
The true nature of the black racist comes out.
WASHINGTON - In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut his [Barack Obama's] nuts out" and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures to African-Americans.
that's your opinion rooster, and nobody who works in science (besides anti-White racist jews) pushes it.
We are unlocking the human genome and bigots and haters like you will be on the losing side.
Greg you are a doos
Anonymous 03:04 - you need to look in the mirror first.
The concept of race does exist , but race itself doesn't. This is not a question of semantics , it's a question of biological fact.
Ron - you may be correct about Chinese regime, I actually do not know much about them, and was merely raising a question. On the whole issue of race, it is a socially constructed type of thing, not a biological or scientific fact. That is whay Robert Sobukwe said in 1959 that "Africanists believe in only one race - the human race." Some of the other PAC leaders later hijacked the organization into an anti-white direction while Sobukwe was imprisoned, but that's a topic for another post I suppose. White South Africans ought to thank their lucky stars that it wasn't the PAC who took over in 1994. But on race - I read in Mandela's autobiography that the apartheid regime had this "pencil in hair" test they used to determine "white" versus "coloured". I thought this was almost laughable if it was not for the tragedy that regime unleashed. Aren't you the same Ron who on SAS made the ludicrous claim that Mandela was a British intelligence agent?
I did not "make the claim". Ha this just proves that you do not read. The intelligence expert Stephen Dorril made the claim in a book he published in 2000. This story was even reported on in the Sunday Herald Scotland in March of 2000. [1] There is nothing "ludicrous" about it as it only makes PERFECT SENSE when considering that the British are the true power in the region with their Anglo-American conglomerate [2]& their steering committees & so on. Even F W De Klerk was exposed as having been put into power by British Intelligence. [3] Furthermore: you just exposed yourself as Vlad as I was debating him when I pointed out this government admission / fact.
Mandela is named as MI6 agent.
Quote: [ Allegations of Mandela's recruitment by the British intelligence service will be revealed in a controversial new book, MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations, by the acclaimed intelligence expert Stephen Dorril. The book is due to be published at the end of this month. ]
2. Anglo-American.
3. The Sellout of a Nation.
Quote: [ The U.S. wanted Dr. Gerrit Viljoen as president, but the UK succeeded to establish F.W. de Klerk. ]
Post Script. One must remember that the British went to great lengths in establishing their power in the region complete with committing war crimes against Boer children (among others) which led to the direct establishment of the illegal & illegitimate macro state of South Africa with the passage of the South Africa Act of 1909 in the British Parliament. Therefore: it should come as NO SURPRISE that the British have installed puppet regimes acting as a surrogate Colonial power.
The statement that race is not a biological fact is simply an OPINION as there are those who do in fact assert that it is a biological fact. Furthermore: some scientists use the term cluster instead of race. Which means that racists -according to the logic - would have to be clusterists. Also: ethnic groups are much more of a social construct than the various races / clusters.
I am guessing you were posing as Vlad since U G blocked you form posting. This world is so screwed up that I would not be surprised if U G was on the government payroll to play the part of "a disgruntled racist" as part of their plan to demonize White persons & legitimate criticism of the regime. His regular odd angry vulgar outbursts against Jan Lamprecht (one would think they would be on the same side of exposing the corrupt regime) has really made me think that this could certainly be the case as Lamprecht has publicly disapproved of any vulgar racist or denigrating language on his site while the SAS folks alarmingly promote such language which gives honest critical White persons a BAD name -which is probably the whole point of the racial based editorial invective expressed there.
What is the title of Stephen Dorril's book!? Ha ha ha ha ha! Once again you prove that you just do not read what is posted. I cut & pasted the relevant quote from the news report / article in which his book was named! Man alive! You ain't too bright. Once again: his book is called MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations.
While Britain has not been an overt superpower since the mid 20th cent: they are of course still a strong covert superpower. Just look at how the British banking & business interests totally dominate South Africa. One of the MAIN REASONS Mandela was even placed into power was because the British banking establishment got him to DROP his former goals of nationalizing the mines! This was even mentioned & admitted on a documentary special done on him back a few years ago. The British also controlled the Afrikaans speaking governments from Louis Botha to F W De Klerk but not as much the governments from D F Malan to P W Botha though they were still subject to Britain's inherent influence through the banking & business establishment.
The British initially recruited the Afrikaans speakers [1] (mainly those from the Western Cape whom the British were ALWAYS quite close to) to be their surrogate Colonial rulers in the region until the Afrikaner Nationalists (Afrikaans extension of British Imperialism) got too independent & took themselves TOO SERIOUSLY attempting to actually carve up the macro State (a big no no to the British bosses) with their Grand Apartheid which was a more ambitious segregationist scheme (built on over the initial "Petty Apartheid" British segregationist laws) which would have prevented Britain as well as the multi national companies from continuing to exploit the region to the degree that they were. The British later opposed the White government purely for political & most especially economic concerns.
While the British no longer overtly govern the region: they sure as hell covertly rule it because they have left in place ALL OF THE SAME FAMILIES & COMPANIES which ruled during Colonialism & Apartheid. Just look up who runs the economy: it sure as hell ain't the locals. Investigate how the British establishment DIRECTS South African politics through steering committees / elite groups & NGOs. The only people who defend the manner in which the State of South Africa is run are those who have political or business interests at stake as the current climate is conducive their furthering of their monopolistic & consolidating practices in the region.
1. 1. South African Government Information.
Quote: [ After initial plans for Anglicization of the defeated Afrikaners through the education system and numerical swamping through British immigration were abandoned as impractical, the British looked to the Afrikaners as collaborators in securing imperial political and economic interests. ]
The macro State of South Africa is not a country or a locally administrated collectivity as it is simply a British & multi national fiefdom run by those who do not care about the well being of the local denizens.
WorldNet is one of those conservative websites whose information is not reliable because they basically make everything fit their agenda. To some extent every news source is subjective, same with history, but not to the same extent as a WorldNet. I will look at your other sources. I am interested in how the Anglo-American corporation got "American" into its title. One black South African I talked to in Soweto told me that around time he and other Soweto kids rioted in 1976 they thought that Anglo-American was an American company because of its title.
World Net Daily in fact is not a conservative site but a NEO conservative site. IE: repackaged Statism posing as the alleged conservative option. At any rate I was quoting an excerpt of the interview that investigative journalist Anthony LoBaido conducted with a number of former high ranking personalities & I quoted academic Harry Botha in particular. Leaving aside any real or perceived bias that World Net Daily might have: the allegations & observations made by Harry Botha was the point of focus. Since it is well known the role that foreign intelligence played in the region. Perhaps not to the tumultuous extent that the CIA did in places like Guatemala or Iran in which the violent removal of regimes was engineered -but foreign intelligence services still played a massive role in the Southern African region.
Furthermore: one must consider the fact that virtually all media sources are biased. The mainstream media itself is not reliable & twists reports to fit their agenda as it has a high corporate & Statist bias which renders anything they report as being little more than self serving propaganda. The saving grace of World Net Daily is that it is not as much part of this bias & often reports events which the mainstream press omits or suppresses. World Net Daily has its biases but no where on par with the controlled mainstream press which is losing their viewers / listeners / readers & subscribers in droves due mainly to this.
Concerning your assertion that the problem historically was White supremacism: this was just a convenient meme used by both sides of the issue -a la Hegelian Dialect - to distract people from the real problem of unchecked centralized power. Focusing on White supremacism or any ideology for that matter is akin to focusing on the hammer instead of the person using it. After all: the actual ideologies used by various regimes or even the apparent zeitgeist of the time are of little significance because those are simply the SYMPTOMS / extensions or product of the real problem which is the hierarchal control mechanism imposed onto the people via the State / academia & often also cultural traditions.
Ron, I am impressed with your intellect and the ability to use the things they taught you at university - you know, say something, and then relate it to a theory.. thank God that Google has made this so much easier today.
Fact remains however unfortunately that some people are bigots and racists and can find all the amount of Googling to rationalize their point of view...
Unfortunately Google can not help your pre-behavioral, primary, secondary and tertiary behavior.
Racists like you, Bert Oosthuizen, Adriana Struijt, Michelle Darling etc are very misguided by a very bad DNA pool at best and complete assholes at worst.
I would not lump Adriana Stuijt in with those others as she was a champion of Black liberation & was a vocal opponent of the former White run Apartheid government. When she was a professional reporter she was at the forefront of exposing the old Broederbond & the National Party & was almost killed by them at least once that I am aware of. Now that she has also become a champion of Boer (who were also subjugated under Apartheid but obviously not to the same degree as the masses) liberation she is vilified by those who have an agenda of dispossessing the Boer people from their inherent rights.
What are those "inherent rights" of the Boers and who is intent on dispossessing them in your opinion? A few black radicals, the ANC government, all of SA's blacks, all of the above? I know there are some who hate all Afrikaners, I do not dispute that, but I did not find that to be pervasive among blacks around Johannesburg, unless they are great at hiding their true feelings.
The same unalienable inherent rights that everyone is entitled to. Though of course many bigots do not think that they are "entitled" to them. Which is the one of the main assertions of this blog.
Greg: The same inherent rights that everyone else is entitled to.
Who is Lamprecht?
Everyone must calm down
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