Tuesday, 30 June 2009

On Liberalism...

It’s a common myth that anyone proposing South Africa is not a country in decay must be some kind of liberal, brainwashed ,soft cock, politically correct patsy. I don’t know where this myth originates but I strongly suspect it’s because most of those who make this accusation suffer from an illness I like to call “Being a Ballie”.

Now I’m now the springiest chicken in the coup but I’m young enough to mock people who take Viagra for a few years yet. For those who aren’t South Africans effectively “a ballie” is someone of AT LEAST middle aged years. And therein lies the problem ….apartheid baggage !

Being lucky enough to be placed in a private school with other black students and young enough to be pretty oblivious to any political system in place at the time, I grew up pretty free of any prejudices except for a dash of classism. I grew up to see the world divided into the haves and the haves not. It was so clearly obvious to me that my black classmates were in no way similar to my black servants and so colour always seemed a random category for labelling and generalising people to me from a young age. My first school friend was black. My brother’s first school friend was black. The first friend I ever brought home for a long weekend was black, the top student in my class was black from junior to high school etc. I could go on but it’s so unnatural and seemingly forced to be “that guy” who makes a big deal of his black friends to prove a point ….and only proves the opposite of making it a “big deal”.

Anyway the point remains I consider myself to have been minimally affected by Apartheid. Now the type of people who would call me a liberal …..not so little !

Let’s look at some disadvantages of being a ballie and how it may have twistd your little minds.

Firsly if you’re anything more than a couple of years older than me you probably had to go the army. We all know all the propaganda and brain washing you would been exposed to there. Not to mention if you saw any action. I can only imagine the sense of guilt some people might feel after having been involved in such violence , and the need that would instil in you to validate your actions. Not to mention those who might have lots friends and what that would do to your mind.

Secondly you were segregated from black people. You were not encouraged to see them as equal human beings. They were “the help”. Those of them that did not pander to wanting to be subject to your rule you labelled “communists”. You can not validate your mistreatment on them by their violence towards you because as many of you will state , black on white violence was minimal to near non existent in that days. After all those you didn’t kick back to their “homelands” you kept under near jail rule conditions in their townships with curfew and near daily raids, hampering their chances of economic success a decent education and perpetuating your erroneous worldview.

Thirdly you living in a time when the whole world hated you as a White South African. And why ? For nothing more in your mind than trying to protect yourself rom blood thirsty communists ! And those damn Yanks and Poms (the stupid liberals) were too brainwashed to see it.

Now I could carry on , but I think those three main reasons are enough to suffice for the common liberal hating whitey.

There are others who have more sophisticated and indeed simplistic reasons to hate liberals. Some of you will go on about Zionist Agendas and Bilderburg groups and the Illunimati and the New World order etc…while some of you will just be simple minded, Cartesian dualist ,cretins who know nothing about Social Identity theory and the likes and frankly you’re not even worth speaking too. You’re going to hate that which is different to you and you’re never going to understand why and you’re a hopeless lost cause.

So back to the question of the myth that all people, like myself, simply don’t see the strip club for the neon lights because I’ve been brainwashed by a liberal agenda. Let’s take a closer look at that.

And here’s the part that is going to surprise you : You have a point.

There is no doubt in my mind that modern Western universities have a strong overpowering liberal bias. Truth is often discarded for the greater liberal political agenda. In the social science we’re told women are equal to men in intellect and ability (They’re not) . We’re told the nature versus nurture debate is over and that nurture has won to the extent that nature is purely a trivial influence on our lives (It isn’t). We’ve got atheism as a valid world view showed down our throats, even though any quantum physicist will tell you the universe is far stranger than you can imagine. Far from encouraging debate as it claims to do , modern western university TELLS you what to think. And what It tells you is deeply entrenched in the politics and agenda of liberalism.

But what are the politics and agenda of liberalism ?

Simple. Some people claim it is about equality and other such fanciful and pretty ideas. Not me. I know my fellow man too well. Liberalism to my understanding is the natural tendency of one group of people to disempower the other. The endgame of mankind’s natural competitive and greedy need to crush one another below our feet. It’s a power struggle and far from it’s agenda being about equality it’s in fact a power play game of tit for tat. And it works brilliantly. It makes the haves guilty and self loathing and the have nots sanctimonious victims and entitled.

That’s why I hate liberalism. It tells people to shirk the responsibility for their own lives. It validates peoples feeling of victimhood and encourages them to look outside themselves for the source of heir failures.

And therein comes today’s great irony.

For in everyone of you expats and whinging locals sitting there, shouting about what victims you are …you’re doing exactly what you accuse black people of doing. You’re sensibilities are far closer towards that of liberalism than mine. You’re playing out a power struggle but the mechanism you are using it playing the victim card. You’re giving away your power !!

I on the other hand am doing nothing more than taking responsibility for my own life. That’s why I trivialise whatever the A.N.C does. That’s why I don’t find the need to cry to the world and exaggerate my situation as it is. That’s why I don’t need to pretend I’m victim of some genocide or whatever other silly ideas you guys come up wit sometimes. I’m Rooster and I don’t need any shitty handouts and pity offerings. If I ever do leave South Africa I’ll take responsibility for my decision and go quietly. Because while I’m not interested in being anyone’s victim, I’m not interested in making anyone mine either.

And yes, John Galt would agree with my sentiment.

Ps : And don't get me started on fucking conservatives either!!!


Anonymous said...

well hey rooster

ja i agree some of the stuff on
za sucks is paranioa and x files stuff ow they talk bout when mandela dies they blacks will have uhuru guru agaisnt us i doubt it

but not only does that site hate blacks but jews also and i would like to know why jews/

what have they ever done?

The Rooster said...

And yes...uhuru is a stupid and laughable mess of paranoia...and I bet you even "uhuru guru" doesn't really believe it , but knows some of his readers might be just dumb enough to allow im to use it to manipulate them.

Anonymous said...

i dunno, uhuru_guru is pretty dumb :)

White chocolate said...

The uhuru guru is building up to a new crescendo of paranoia because (a) SAS really does suck, hardly anyone pays any attention anymore and (b) cellphones now have to be registered. Like, big deal.

For him, however, it is a big deal because now his cellphone stalking is less likely to go unreported. He's already been reported to SAIX for e-mail harassment.

Another whackhead from SAS is Hodd, which surely must stand for "He of delusional dementia". He says, "We must dominate the women," and then goes on a rant how they will publicly humiliate some woman who does not care for Die Stem on News24 and how this ho must be dumped in Hillbrow.


Anonymous said...

ja rooster

what is the truth about having
to register cell phones in sa

i cant see sa having the man power
to regulate it as look at how long it can takr to get a passport or id book

i live in oz now and it can take a year to renew my sa passport if they r that slow anf busy doing really important things

i doubt the cell phone thng will take off

i havent heard the full story
only za sucks version
but i would like anon paranioa


The Rooster said...

Well uhuru guru works with a certain agenda. Let's just say the safety of white South Africans isn't as much his priority as scaremongering. He's not stupid ad in fact does it quite well, given it's the stupid and neurotic people he goes after and knows their weak spots.

I love the way how week after week nothing ever comes to fruition in regards to their prediction for the country, yet they come out with fake histrionic shock at even the small things and make as it's even worse. They tell us how every sporting event will be a "bloodbath" and then when no murders happen in the past 4 big ones, they find some petty crime and scream from the rafters at how "shocking it is " and "see ??? see ???"

And you're right....it is pathetic !

And yes that site lost all it's semblence of being "concerned citizens" instead of "pigshit igorant racists" when it started putting monkey pictures up and all the racist bollocks. They used to try and at least pretend they weren't stupid racists and were just concerned citizens , but even they know they've gone too far and can't possibly ever attempt to get away with that now.

The Rooster said...

ja rooster

what is the truth about having
to register cell phones in sa

i cant see sa having the man power
to regulate it as look at how long it can takr to get a passport or id book

i live in oz now and it can take a year to renew my sa passport if they r that slow anf busy doing really important things

i doubt the cell phone thng will take off

i havent heard the full story
only za sucks version
but i would like anon paranioa



I don't know , but if they do do it it will be a good thing. No more stolen cell phones for one and far easier to collect evidence for crimes. Catch one suspect and then you got all the data you need to link him up to his associates.

I'm all for personal freedoms , but until our society matures enough to practice personal resposibility , then some....just some....needs to be retricted. And that's coming from a hardline anarchist.