Looks like they've banned the Nazi's little hate site again. I've been pissing myself laughing so much that at this rate I'm going to have to start wearing diapers.
Let me explain the irony. They went on a little campaign to try and get my site banned. In their own little version of the blietzkreg they tried en masse to report my site. Unfortunately for them there is nothing racist about my site at all that can't be easily deemed by the rational (or less cronically stupid) mind to be satirical in nature. So here I still am.
Don't worry my little hitlers , there's always the fax machine.
I talk a lot about how White South Africans have worked themselves up into hysteria based on nothing but myth an hyperbole . Anyway if you ever want to understand the mindset of the paranoid , neurotic people these naziesqe fearmongers prey on , I think this video explains it pretty well.
Egg shelly dey ah stil dheh, dees SAS waiht sheet... Alweys flot to dee top like a pees of sheet.
Evaryting, da cuntree, eehconomy, fud praais, da petrohl.. eish, dey all ten to sheet in da gubbermunt hends. No naais leadersheep anymo, no wan want to wek. Egg shelly only corahpshion and craime lef. If dey ah not keeling da fore runners in zenofobia ettecks, dey toi toi round da kots weef gahns and AK. I em sced... but Zuma mus hev his day in kots
Close but no cigar...
It is still there, SA sucks has not been removed???
Which site are you referring to, SAS has not been banned nor removed.
It's still there ? Oh well , might be I'm banned or it was temp down. Don't forget to flag it when you visit it.
This blog is afraid of honest debate.
The post I posted in response to a running debate I was having has been totally removed.
Rooster: you can disagree with my posts if you want to, but I will not tolerate being censored.
Hi Kurt! Your my favourite! Are you wearing your bangle?
Hi rooster asshole!
If your site is not racist, then why have the cartoon of the black dude thinking...i hate white people up front of your web page?
You could only wish to be white dude, at least then you would have a brain...
Oh yeah remember about a month ago I asked you to name ten inventions worthwile to mankind, that was made by black people?
Still waiting bru, but you can make it 5 inventions now, cause i see 10 is too tough.
Still waiting??????
p.s. I just flagged you
Hey Ron , there is no way I've censored anything on this site. I've only deleted comments from people who have pretended to be me. Please feel free to speak your mind and be sure I'll never delete anything representing an opinion. As Greg says I will defend your right to free speech. I'm a libetarian after all and not a crazy left wing liberal as most people seem to think.
k4 hater...can you name me 10 things invented by hateful white South Africans ?
Rooster: It looks like it was some sort of glitch because the post I posted a day ago just suddenly returned when I tried to repost. Good grief: we have something in common as I consider myself a libertarian. I think your positions on this blog might be an exercise in pure satire as no honest libertarian could defend this current - nor past ones either- South African government.
Ron and Rooster get a room already...
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